If you are still sticking to the old school HTML web development, then probably you haven’t heard about WordPress. Yes! HTML is a thing of past. Welcome to the new era of WordPress development and explore the all new avenue of functional, user-friendly and interactive web apps. There are several reasons that will compel you to ditch HTML and switch to WordPress CMS, but the prime of them all is- Google loves WordPress! Every business-oriented mindset knows it for sure that no matter how attractive a website is if it doesn’t rank well on Google its business value is null. If you are still not convinced with swapping HTML with WordPress, then here’s some more food for your thought:

WordPress is Free! Yes! Being open source software, WordPress is available for use at absolutely no cost. Obtaining and installing WordPress is free.

Google is all praises about WordPress. If you know Google evangelist Matt Cutts, then you would know how worthy his words are. Matt has recently spoken in favor of WordPress. Moreover, for his personal blog he trusts WordPress above Google Blogger

WP lets you rule the roost with content. Content is the king and with WordPress content management system developing content rich sites is as easy as ABC. Its rich features enable you to add content to your site more frequently and in a hassle-free manner.

Configuring WordPress sites is a child’s play. You can easily make a WP blog template look like a traditional web portal within a matter of few minutes.

Cross-browser compatibility is the CMS’ gift to developers. While fixing cross-browser compatibility issues in HTML could bring you to tears, WordPress development team has already done the task for you.

Targeting new age user is easier with WP. Being mobile-compatible, it is easier to access WordPress-based sites on mobiles and other hand-held devices. And a web scenario wherein more than 56% of mobile users access internet via their devices daily, you can’t afford to overlook this advantage of the CMS.

Inter-page linking and cross-linking is automatic. Yes! If you are using WordPress, you are free from the responsibility of this task as well. In maximum cases inter-linking is automatic, while in others it’s quick and simplistic. In HTML, inter-linking would always mean writing long code snippets in Dreamweaver

Accessibility is the core feature of WP. There isn’t any other CMS or development platform in the world that is as accessible as WordPress. Whatever your viewing capability may be, you can easily access WordPress sites without making any major modifications in its core functioning.

Stay secure from web threats with this CMS platform. In case you face any security issues in WP, resolutions are offered almost immediately. New security patches are also made available immediately for emerging threats.

Win over your users with WordPress. WP is a user-friendly platform, which means people with even the basic technical knowledge, can use this platform with ease.

Free plugins take the coding burden off your shoulder. Plugins are software modules that are readily available for all versions of WordPress free of cost. They eliminate the need for intricate coding.

Avail support 24*7 in case of any instability. A community of proficient WordPress developers is available online to come any complexity that comes at hand.

Change the look of your site in just one click. The ‘Themes’ feature of WordPress allows you to customize the look and feel of your site without any hard coding.

An updated Control Panel makes participation easier. Alternate admin or guest users can easily manage the site without any core modifications.

WordPress can be accessed from anywhere at any point of time.

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Reasons enough! Go and checkout WordPress to experience the revolution yourself as many of the websites owner are switching their website to WordPress. Get you PSD to WordPress conversion today!