Do you agree with the following statement, ‘The most important this is hard work”? If you do, you are basing this belief on the hope that your family and friends will work hard, just to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The belief of working hard to attain success has been around for a very long time. This has affected many families in a positive way, bringing them great rewards. Some families though, have been torn apart because a parental figure was never around for their children when they needed help and support.
Because some have attained success with working hard, others have followed suit, hoping to re-invent the wheel, by doing what others have done and hoping for success.
You may feel as though you are working hard, and are hoping this will make a difference. Some success may develop but not always what you had hoped for.
Having the right thinking, and aligning yourself to the true nature of things that make you happy while using the principles of success, will make a difference.
Thoughts help to create
Your thoughts help create the world you live in. Having thoughts about working hard will also have you looking for proof to reinforce this thinking. Even when you have attained success, you may still hold onto this belief and continue to work hard.
If working hard was a sure thing for success, everyone who worked hard daily would be millionaires by now. This belief is false because it does not hold truth in all situations.
The law of the universe is whatever you focus on. Be it a positive or negative focus, it will happen with intention and perseverance. This is because you are using a part of your brain, the reticular activator, which helps you attract the things you are constantly thinking about.
Natural flows
There are natural flows in order for certain things to occur. You can help this along, but it will take time for it to grow. Think of a seed that you plant. If you feed it too much water you will kill it. Working hard does not necessarily mean things will happen faster.
Every act is a success in itself because you are moving forward and taking action. How you judge this can be positive or negative.
Signs for working hard
The universe has shown us that time is needed for all things to fall into place. Because of this, you do not need to push or stress about the things you are trying to attract.
End goal
Working hard is not the only way to ensure you receive your desires. You may want security, freedom, or to retire early and have enough means for your family.
Being conscious that you can attain what you want in different ways, and receiving support from others will bring your goals to you quickly and easily. Start making small changes and allow things to come to you easily.
Conclusion : ‘The most important thing is hard work’. This belief is used by some to become successful. This thought may help but it is not necessary. The right ingredient will make the difference for your personal success.
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