When it comes to listing the common pests in Arizona, the ant emerges on the top of this list. The reason why this is the case has to do with the weather pattern here. Unlike other states which get cold winter months thus inhibiting the increase of pests, you will realize that Arizona has warm weather all year round. This is very habitable for the ants as they use this kind of weather to blossom. Other common pests which exist here are laid out below.

Wolf spiders: it is a fact that the wolf spiders are one of the popular kinds of spiders which exist in this state. These pests can usually be spotted in rocky areas, alongside rivers and even at times in a garage or inside the house. By appearance, these termites are usually brown in color and hairy. The adults are sometimes confused to be tarantulas by those who don’t know how to differentiate the two well.

Odorous house ants: these specific ants will usually be found loitering in your kitchen, bathrooms and even lodged in doorways and windows. Outside the house, they prefer such areas as mulch, leaf piles and around trees out in the yard. These are the target areas that you should concentrate on if you want to eradicate them.

Crickets: when it comes to crickets, you will find that the common ones in Arizona comprise of both the house and field crickets. One of the ways of differentiating the two is by virtue of the fact that the field cricket will be found to be large in size with a dark brown (or black) color. They are usually located in shrubs and beneath river rocks. On the other hand, the house cricket is much smaller in size and is greyish. The above crickets are notorious for raiding walls and keeping you awake at night by their chirping sounds.

Bark scorpion: the word scorpion has been known to cause chills down our spines especially if you have ever been bitten by one. The scorpion is quite dangerous to young kids and also the elderly. One therefore has to take care so that these vulnerable groups do not get bitten. The bark scorpion is actually one of the hardest pests to control, a fact which can be attested to by Phoenix pest control companies.

There are many more pests in Arizona but the above have proved to be the most common ones here.

Author's Bio: 

I am a published author who has experienced and read widely on pest control and pest damages especially in such affected areas as Phoenix and Arizona. The articles are to provide you with useful information on how to detect pests and exterminate them effectively.