Though the styles and ideologies vary from designer to designer, but there remain some basic common principles that form the base of all the designing projects. These accounts to the mood, function and personality in general.

Attractively decorated interiors generally functions very well in creating a mood or a feeling that shows off the personality of the family that dwells there. The entire interior decoration world works on some universal principles, which are taken into account by each and every designer as their basic foundation for a project. These principles are the mood, function and personality which endures decorating success.

The mood-

The mood and temperament factor is quite important while planning the interior of a space. It is created by your choice of colors, the style of furnishings, the amount of texture and pattern that you choose and the accessories you use.

So while you are addressing the mood to any interior designing project, there are several factors that you need to focus on. These factors are as follows:

The inspiration and the theme-

It is important to start up your work with a particular source of inspiration. Just select the piece of your inspiration wisely so that you are confident about the feel good factor.

The next vital aspect is choosing the theme. Go ahead and analyze the object you have chosen as your inspiration and develop a theme according to it. Be expressive about your theme and the different aspects supporting the idea will come to mind easily.

The patterns, textures and colors-

While choosing the patterns it is required to see that all of them share the same color. Keep the background color same. Now you may select the patterns like checks, stripes and Florals and many others. Mixing patterns are also done to accelerate the designing looks. But while doing so make sure that the pattern scales and sizes vary from each other.

Selecting the textures in the right way is also a part of the basic principles. Use a different variety of textures to make the space interesting. There are several prints that look dimensional and therefore add depth to a decorating scheme.

Choosing the right colors makes any room look amazing. Most of the time, the colors that are appropriate are found in the patterns and design of the piece selected as the inspiration.

The functionality of the space-

Interior designing is not all about decoration, good looks and eye appeal, a very vital principle for it includes making the space functional for the dweller. The focal point of the rooms needs attention. If the room does not have a natural focal point it is needed to be created with a dynamic piece of art or some other object.

The personality also matters-
This is a point where the interior designers put their personal stamp and idea on the project. They create a unique appeal using accessories or some other ideas. This creates a look that the designers can say as their own style and promote the same.

Author's Bio: 

Leon Grant has performed a series of interview with the employees of Chhasm Engineering and Construction Co. According to him more and more people are hiring interior designers in Kolkata for their projects. The demand of their work is gradually grabbing the market throughout West Bengal.