The principles of jackrabbit which are used as the foundation for inspiration , humorous, and thought-provoking talks are:

Be Still
Every day we're bombarded by life emails, meetings, text messages, phone calls and on and on and on. We spent the first nine months of our existence in silence and many folks never get back there. The practice of creating space to be still provides tremendous physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits.

Know Thyself
A long time ago Socrates encouraged us to, "Know thyself; know your strengths and weaknesses; your relation in the universe; your potentialities; your spiritual heritage; your aims and purposes; take stock of thyself." Good advice for sure. But it takes courage (notice this word in 'encourage') to really know oneself. Do you know yourself? Is your life consistent with this knowledge? It's an ongoing process and requires the simple act of asking questions, and the sometimes not-so-simple act of answering them. Click here for questions that Danny uses to help us all continue to know ourselves.

Develop Vision Create Reality
Vision is the act of seeing something that's not real yet. This is a basic practice for people living and moving toward happy and fulfilling lives. Add five years to your age right now. What do you see? Anything showing up? Need to think about it more? What about your personal vision? Your professional vision? Your family? Health? Financial vision? We should engage in imagining what we want to be true in our lives. For without this vision it's difficult to identify and take the action(s) needed to turn your vision into a reality.

Seek Support
Many people are trying to go it alone in this life when they are anything but alone. Our support networks both external and internal are vital to us. Do you have people who support you unconditionally? Do they know they fill this role in your life? Do they know how and why you need support right now? Do you talk with them consistently? When was the last time you described your vision—if you're clear on it to them?.Our internal support is perhaps stronger that the external. It's what we think and say to ourselves all day long, and it has tremendous impact on our ability to focus on the right things. What do you say to yourself? Ever think about rewriting some of that dialogue?

One definition for the word evolve is, "to undergo continuous and gradual change." This mindset is available to us everyday in our life. The power in reflecting on the happenings in our lives both positive and not and growing from them is a vital practice. We're designed to change—as people, families, teams, departments and organizations. It's within the process of this evolution where great opportunity for happiness and fulfillment lie!

Contact Danny Bader ,a Motivational Speaker, inspirational and keynote speaker that has developed and distilled his philosophy for living a happy and fulfilling life, for questions that Danny uses to help us all continue to evolve.

Author's Bio: 

From his study and intense observations, Danny is a one of the best Philadelphia Motivational Speaker, inspirational speaker and keynote speaker that has developed and distilled his philosophy for living a happy and fulfilling life into five simple principles he calls jackrabbit or jckrbbt for short. Please Visit for more details.