Anyone who lives in Michigan knows the heat and humidity summer can bring making your home and family miserable. What do you want most when you are in this situation? Yep, air conditioning. Depending on the method used to cool your house, a window air conditioner or central air conditioning unit, it is in your best interest to do some basic maintenance to the unit before you “need” it for the first time. An air conditioning maintenance specialist can be called in for a basic service call fee and tune your machine up to maximize efficiency for energy savings and max cooling benefits.
No matter what variety of air conditioning unit you have installed if it has not been replaced in the last five years you might consider replacing the unit with a more energy efficient unit. With the new upgrades in technology that have recently become more accessible and affordable it is financially beneficial to upgrade. This reins true also with home heating units along with residential cooling units. Think about the energy and financial resources you could save during the peak heating and cooling seasons with more efficient units.
It is true that an air conditioning unit will do a lot of work during the peak of summer here in Michigan. To ensure that the results in cooling your home are maximized you really want to do everything you can to keep the cold air in and the hot air out. Many things can help with this. Think about the use of fans to help circulate the cool air throughout the home. Another great tip in keeping cool air in and hot air out is to search out any areas of the home that are “leaking” air and work to seal them. Areas that are of most concern are floor registers, windows, door walls and the gaps between your doors.
Having an air conditioning unit free of dust and dirt will also help the unit run properly. The dust and dirt block the air flow through the unit. This will make the unit have to work harder to maintain a cool environment in your home. In order to clean the unit completely you must look at a home unit differently than a central air conditioning system.
A small window unit may easily be freed of dirt and dust billed up. You will take out the filter in the front of the machine and clean it using a mild detergent and warm water. Ensure this piece has completely dried before reinstalling it. The next step is to use the vacuum attachments to get inside the unit and completely free it of dust and cobwebs that have built up over time.
A central air unit is a bit trickier. You will want to use extreme caution or better yet call in a professional air conditioner maintenance expert. The units cooling fins are easily bent and damaged which will restrict air flow. Use a gentle rinsing hose to blow out debris from inside of the cooling unit. This will free the machine of dirt and dust while preventing damage to the cooling fins. Also, filters inside the unit in the home should be frequently changed. Detailed cleaning is different for each machine. It is best to read the manual before attempting this on your own.

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