The chiropractic philosophy places a strong emphasis on the body’s innate healing wisdom and for less reliance on band aids like drugs and surgery.

Chiropractic was founded as a healthcare profession in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, based on the premise that the body had an innate healing ability.

This ability could be compromised, however if there were nerve impingement obstructing the flow of nerve impulses.

Nerve impingement and obstruction was described as being caused by subtle displacements of vertebrae in neck and back as research and science have progressed, there is a much better understanding of neurologic function and the actions of spinal manipulation.

Chiropractic physicians typically play a dual role in their clinical practice. They strive to simultaneously accomplish two related goals in each patient:

• Promote overall wellness and professionally supervised, patient implemented preventive healthcare.

• Alleviate acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Both of these goals are important because of the tremendous financial and social impact of musculoskeletal pain and the continuance of deteriorating health in America.

Nearly 30 percent of the American population suffers from musculoskeletal pain, joint swelling, or limitation of movement. One out of every seven visits to a primary healthcare provides is for treatment of musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction.

This results in more than $ 100 billion in U.S. healthcare costs each year. Back pain is the most prevalent medical problems in the U.S. It is the leading cause of long term disability and the second leading cause of restricted activity and the use of now prescription drugs.

Preventive healthcare and wellness is considered very important to implement by chiropractors and naturopathic physicians. Especially since the health of the American population is declining consistently and progressively.

Obesity and diabetes are growing inn epidemic proportions among children and adults. Even infant mortality has recently increased for the first time in 40 years.

Between the years 1975 and 2000, cancer has increased significantly. The number of people diagnosed with cancer is expected to double in the next several decades. Americans now spend more on healthcare than does any other nation.

Here in America we are dominated by the allopathic medicine community who deliver a very poor return on investment. Chiropractic and naturopathic healthcare could very well provide improved outcomes and decreased overall healthcare costs.

Allopathic medical education has recently been described as very inadequate for preparing medical doctors for the diagnosis and treatment of muscloskeletetal conditions.

The average time spent in rotations of courses devoted to orthopedics during medical school was only 2.1 weeks. One third of these examinees graduated without any formal training in orthopedics.

This data would suggest that limited education experience contributes to poor performance. In 1998 there was a study published where a validated musculoskeletal competency examination was administered to 85 recent medical graduates who had begun their hospital residency.

Eighty two percent of these medical doctors failed to demonstrate basic competency on the exam. The authors concluded that the medical school preparation in musculoskeletal medicine was inadequate.

There have been several other examination of validated musculoskeletal competency and it seems the same results have been the very same. Medical school training in these procedures is still inadequate.

It seems this is also true when it comes to nutritional training, too. The medical profession can’t seem to understand that prescribing drugs for all ailments and diseases is not the proven way to resolve a person’s health problem.

That is why I recommend everyone learn more about alternative medicine and then takes personal charge of their health. In the long run, you will be a healthier person and possibly extend your life many more years. You can find out more here at my website:

Author's Bio: 

Sonny Julius is a retired senior citizen and a health and wellness researcher and author. He is a strong advocate of alternative and natural healing methods. He has been vigorously researching this subject for over six years and has published it in three different ebooks available on his website at:
Sonny’s plan to do this researching was prompted by the results of a visit to his wife’s oncologist to talk to him about treatment for her diagnosed breast cancer condition. Sonny recommended that she be treated with alternative and natural healing methods. He refused but is wife accepted his recommendations.
After leaving his office that day Sonny vowed to spend the rest of his life researching for alternative and natural methods of healing which he still continues to do to this very day. All the information he has gathered are in included in his ebooks.