The internet is one of the most important tools your company has to generate revenue, as the consumer economic trend is moving more towards the internet and away from the high street. This consumer habit has been elevating over the past years and is showing no signs of slowing down. In 2011 record numbers of people bought products or services online, and the internet giants recorded record numbers using their service.

A big reason internet sales have increased is due to advancements in the functions websites can perform, as well as the advancements in the security of payment systems. Another reason why internet sales have increased over the past few years in due to the progress made in mobile phones, and the functions that now can be performed on your smart phone.

Although the mobile phones are one of the reasons for the increase in internet sales, it can practically be put down to how available the internet is available to the consumer. This is not only in the homes of users with broadband speeds that are faster than ever; as people now feel they can use the net on the move, without any drop in signal or slow page load time. It is also widely available the on the high street, with cafés and fast food outlets now offing free Wi-Fi in their stores.

This combined with the functionally of the mobile phone means that it has never been easier for customers to buy products on the move. Technology is one of the biggest driving forces behind the internet, as with the introduction of tablet and note book computers, users have more options on the move rather than their relatively small mobile phone screens. This allows people to see full versions of their favourite website instead of having to view the information they need on specially designed mobile friendly sites.

One of the biggest leaps in the last two years as to why people are using mobile devices to buy products is down to the introduction of apps. The mainstream birth of the app was first instigated by Apple, and they were the market leader for long in the app market. Over the years more and more people are using the Android instead of the Apple platform, and in addition, the amount of apps available from Blackberry is on the increase.

In conclusion all these factors added together mean that internet is only on the increase and in the next few years it will be the most common way to buy products. The mobile phone companies are claiming that by the end 2012 you will be able to physically buy products in stores using your phone and even use this as the key to your house or car.

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Online retailers are cashing in on the continued rise of the internet; London-based companies could speak to an SEO agency London-based or a marketing agency London-based about building their presence online.