There are so many kinds of instruments out there that create beautiful music, but no instrument can seemingly compare to electric guitars. Despite the huge popularity of electric guitars, not many people know its history and how it came about. Guitars are preferred by many musicians not only because of its beautiful sound, but also because of its size. It is so easy to take along with you no matter where you go. Guitars in general are very popular, but there are so many different kinds that people have created. Electric guitars are obviously way different from a typical acoustic version that was created way back in the day.

History Of Electric Guitars
Electric guitars were actually introduced to the public in the 1930's, as it sort of became a necessity for jazz musicians since they all needed to amplify their music. Once it came out, it blew everyones minds. Great guitarists use it all the time and it is preferred over all other guitars being made today. If it wasn't for electric guitar we wouldn't even have heard of Elvis Presley. It is hard to believe of how many wonderful musicians electric guitars helped to develop. There were more different types of electric guitars, but the one that was finally released to the public is what we have available today for everyone to play on.

How Different Is Electric Guitar's Sound?
On average it is normal for an electric guitar to have three magnetic pick ups. It is this electromagnetic induction that takes the vibration produced by the metal strings and turns it into electric audio signals. Playing an electric guitar is actually easier than an acoustic one, because the sound is amplified you don't have to push down on the string as hard. When you try to play an electric guitar by itself, you will see that it doesn't sound too good. Not all guitars and amplifiers are created equal. Cheaper ones don't sound as nice as more expensive models.

Are Electric Guitars Still Popular?
Electric guitars are not just popular today, but they are more popular today than they ever were. You can't watch a music band and not spot an electric guitar. Les Paul is one of the greatest guys to be fully involved in improvement and establishment of electric guitars, and he came out with solid body for it. Actually it was Les Paul guitar that started the whole Rock n Roll movement. Legends like John Lennon would use electric guitars when playing with the Beatles. As you can plainly see, they are not going anywhere. You will have lots of pleasure observing them becoming even more popular. Justin Bieber is also one of the greatest and bestest musician between teenagers especially girls. Many seem to like his guitar skills, and he is notorious for making use of electric guitar in his performances. He usually utilizes lots of other instruments and makes them all sound great in his concerts, but electric guitar is certainly the most dominant.

It is nice to see the development of electric guitars from such humble beginnings as jazz and moving into main stream industry. It is very hard for me to even think of what it would be if we didn't have it in our day and age. Can you?

Author's Bio: 

I have been playing and teaching guitar for over twenty years.I run a website which offers toLearn To Play Guitar. A lot of rookies ask me "What is the top electric guitar?" That's why I wrote a Epiphone Les Paul Standard Review . This guitar is best for newbies in my opinion.