"Heavy with fruit, the plant bends to the ground. It has given all it has to give, poured its life into the fruit, and now waits to be relieved of its burden. What is left of the plant now? The fruit offers food and a womb for the infant seed." The Lunar Cycle by Philip Levine M.A.

At the New Moon a conception occurred http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-new-moon-phase-the-pote... at the Crescent the new life quickened in the womb http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-crescent-moon-phase-bre... ~ at the First Quarter we announced the upcoming birth http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-first-quarter-moon-phas... ~ at the Gibbous we took care of all the little details as we waited http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-gibbous-moon-phase-prob.... ~ at the Full Moon we became aware that we couldn’t do this alone http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-full-moon-phase-awarene... ~ then during the Disseminating we interacted with others and gained clarity. http://www.examiner.com/astrology-in-atlanta/the-disseminating-moon-phas...

Now comes the realization of that the goals or activities that once served to fulfill the purpose of the New Moon and the enthusiasm which sustained your efforts is waning. Instead of building you are now actively taking things apart, seeing them in a broader context, and letting go of what no longer serves a purpose.

Like the First Quarter Moon, the Fourth Quarter is crisis time. At the First Quarter we were confronted by resistance in the outer world ~ now at the Fourth Quarter, the resistance comes from with-in. During this phase we experience a crisis in consciousness as we search for meaning and make decisions.

Do you enlarge the vision, rethink it, or replace it?

At the Fourth quarter you can move willingly into a new direction or resist. But, go with the changes ~ whatever you were trying to build during the waxing 2 weeks has either already been accomplished or you've been given more information that will allow you to alter your approach in the next cycle.

Continuing with the example used in previous Moon Phase articles ~ during the New Moon Phase your dream of a new job became a goal. In the Crescent Phase the realization of the what that could mean raised all the doubts you have about yourself. At the First Quarter Phase you acted confidently, made a commitment and told others of your decision. In the Gibbous Phase you looked into the jobs available. During the Full Moon Phase you submitted resumes, went on interviews and had a realization that led you into the Disseminating Phase where you reckoned with that realization and began actively promoting yourself and sharing what you have learned with others.

Now in the Fourth Quarter Phase you have either retained that new position or have a better understanding of what it will take to get it. But in either case you begin to actively let go of the dream of a new job. An internal change is happening ~ it's time to let go of the dream and acknowledge the truth of the situation.

Each of the 8 Lunar Phases lasts just under 4 days. During the Fourth Quarter Phase the Moon is waning (decreasing in light) and moves from 270 to 315 degrees ahead of the Sun. The Moon rises on average around mid-night and sets around 6 AM.

Those born during the Last Quarter Moon are rebels and iconoclasts who can often have a strong feeling of alienation. They are thoughtful, philosophical and having a strong internal belief system an imperative. They are individualists who are great at turning things around ~ because of their ability to see what needs to go, as well as lies just beyond the horizon.

Author's Bio: 

Patricia Lantz, is a practicing astrologer and hypnotherapist living in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a former www.StarIQ.com columnist, currently writes as the Atlanta Astrology Examiner and is the astrology editor at www.allthingshealing.com ~ an online community for spiritual and healing practices. Patricia invites you to follow her on Examiner.com as she examines life on this small planet through the mediums of astrology, hypnotherapy and other related topics http://www.examiner.com/x-2766-Atlanta-Astrology-Examiner. You may e-mail Patricia at lifescript@comcast.net, or for information about the services she offers visit her home on the web at www.astrology-hypnotherapy.com