Knowledge is a double edged weapon that would fill you in with things you would be happy knowing about ad things that you would very upset to know about. It is curiosity that forces one to seek more and to want to know about more. It is one of the most significant needs of humanity. The idea of knowing more has always been one that meets the heart. You might hear about something that gets you really hurt and upset, yet you would still listen and want to know more for different reasons.
Most of people prefer knowing more about what they already know about but they would not go deep into what they do not know because of a few things:

1- Danger:
- Sometimes people will think of knowledge as something evil that could consume one into the book or the theory they are reading about.
- It's a label that can be put to point out that this idea is dangerous, but only by those who are afraid.

2- Fear:
- Knowing more about something that you falsely thought to be the truth will always upset you; at least at the beginning.
- People will be too afraid to know more when they feel that something that would endanger the serenity and their state of mind.
- People do not like it when something comes up to change the way they think. We all have morals that we would like to stick to and we all have manners that we like to practice whenever the opportunity presents itself.

3- Disappointment:
- Most of people who have been disappointed would not like to know about more things that they would fear would disappoint them even more.
- People who have known about things and had faith in them would choose to stay away from thinking that they know more because then they might be disappointed once more when they know that the things they have had faith in changed.

4- Change:
- Change is not always something good. For example, if one starts to smoke, they will think they can easily break the bad habit the moment they choose but that is not always the case.
- The fact that you do things in a certain way very well will scare of you of trying to do things in a different way because the outcome may not always be in your favor. You would not want to change the way you see things and the way you do things.

People have a fear of knowledge. We all fear that things would end in a way we would not like them to. We all fear that something we believe in would not be true but the answer to that fear is through what we fear the most in that specific case which is knowledge. Knowledge is a weapon regardless of the information that you have had in your past. You may think that knowledge is a double edged weapon while the truth remains the same: Knowledge is your most powerful ally in everything that comes to you in life.
There should be nothing to stop you from seeking to know more. None of the things that were stated above should draw you away from a course or a class in which you would learn the truth from. You should not be afraid.

Author's Bio:, The ultimate source for self understanding 40,000,000 Million visits and counting. Do You Know It All?