Thought the e cigarette trend was just going to be a phase and

disappear? Well considering the market research I have done they are

here and possibly to stay growing in popularity.

Take a look for yourself how the e cigarette industries are still

holding a nice peak on Google Trends. This is a sure sign that the

market is there and the audience to fulfill it's demands is likely to

stick around for some time. Another positive direction for this e cig

movement is that they are not as likely it seems to be banned in the

U.S. any time soon.

I got into this market accidentally a little over a year ago. I was

looking into creating some sort of business online, with many different

options to say the least, at the same time I was looking for

alternative methods to quitting cigarettes(the tobacco kind). I randomly

put two and two together and boom! I had decided to write reviews for e

cigarettes until I tried enough varieties to put together a website.

Now I just update it whenever I get a new e cig brand with further

intention on helping others come to a better decision.

Since each e cigarette company has an e cigarette affiliate program, I

signed up to each one I tried. When you sign up as an e cigarette

affiliate they will give you a special link that you can use to share

with others or build a website for. It is a very simple product to sell

with unlimited un-tapped ways to advertise. Since selling the e

cigarettes as an affiliate I have been noticing that this market is

still in the beginning stages of growing exponentially.

If you already know enough about affiliate marketing I advise you to

jump on this band wagon and become an e cigarette affiliate while there

is still little competition. I have profited well already in just over

a years time I no longer have to work a 9-5 job or answer to any boss

looking over my shoulder. I did that for long enough over the past 15

years I think I deserve this break. Don't get me wrong, this new

affiliate job is still hard work but with less hours and better

residual income type pay it is totally worth it!

Author's Bio: 

Find out which are the best e cigarette affiliate companies you too can represent to make extremely lucrative constant commissions. Quit your boring job like I did. Gain financial freedom and support a good cause.