In Ireland bacterial STIs tend to be more common than bacteria ones, this also tends to be the case in other parts of the world. While most bacterial STIs can be treated and cured, they can be dangerous, but they often go undiagnosed because of a lack of symptoms. The bacterial STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis not only expose an adult to the risk of complications but the infection can also be passed from a mother to her child during the delivery process. However, taking an STI test and then getting the necessary treatment in time can avoid many the infections affecting the health of a baby or mother. For a conclusive diagnosis it’s best to go for an STI test. This can be requested from your doctor or sexual health clinic or can be ordered online from an online test provider.

A person has a greater risk of getting a bacterial STI when they have unprotected sex with multiple partners. As many of these bacterial infections are extremely contagious they can easily spread even through a single sexual act. Initially a person may not realise that they have been infected due to lack of symptoms. However, in some cases symptoms can start appearing within a couple of weeks of a person contracting the infection. It’s important to seek help and advice if you experience symptoms such as unexplained or unusual bleeding from the genital, burning sensation during urination, constant pain or irritation at the lower abdominal area, unusual fleshy growths or sores on and around the genitals or during sexual intimacy. Just because you are experiencing these symptoms, doesn’t mean that you have an STI, but if you’ve recently had unprotected sex, it is likely.

STIs can get transferred from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy or delivery. The bacteria, in some cases affect a baby during pregnancy but in many other cases an infection occurs while the baby, during delivery, passes through the birth canal. An infected new-born may suffer from complications like eye infection, low birth weight, acute hepatitis, stillbirth, and skin rash or blisters. Administration of correct antibiotic for STI treatment like Doxycycline before pregnancy may eliminate the risk and ensure a better health condition both for the mother and child.

Doxycycline is one of the most widely used antibiotics and is prescribed to cure a wide range of bacterial infections, including the sexually transmitted ones. This effective antibiotic treats an STI by slowing down the spread of bacteria and allows the immune system of a user to fight the infection better. This antibacterial medication is available as 100mg capsules and depending on the seriousness of an infection administration of the medication differs. The recommended way of taking the antibiotic is to take two capsules every day for consecutive days. Even if a user feels better he/she shouldn’t stop taking the pill untill the course is complete. You may buy genuine Doxycycline in Ireland from, a leading online pharmacy. To ensure their patients’ safety, HealthExpress offers all patients a free online consultation to evaluate whether they are suitable to take this medication. If you are, you’ll be able to complete your order and have your treatment dispensed by a registered pharmacist and shipped via overnight delivery. To learn more about bacterial STIs and their transmission visit

Author's Bio: 

Written by Adelisa Neumark who is webmaster and content writer at,a leading online clinic in Ireland.Read this article to know about dangers of bacterial STIs before and after delivary. Find out how doxycycline capsules can cure bacterial infections.