If you are using an anti wrinkle facial cream, then it is important to make sure that it is safe for long term use. The ingredients used in most of the creams are not safe for sensitive skin. That is why, it is necessary that you read reviews and opinions before trying out a skincare product that is new in the market.

There are reports suggesting that a particular retinoid used in some skincare products are not safe for use and can, in fact, damage your skin. Pick up any anti wrinkle facial cream and you can be almost sure that they have retinoid, which is a popular and effective skincare ingredient derived from vitamins. Most of them are safe and deliver effective results. However, retinal palpitate is said to be carcinogenic and its long term use is likely to cause skin cancer.

Retinoid along with Retin-A is a common ingredient of many anti aging wrinkle creams. They have been used for decades now in the treatment of skin conditions such as acne and wrinkles. There are studies that show retinoid as an effective wrinkle remover. They help in peeling off the damaged layers of the skin while thickening the layers below. This helps in eliminating wrinkles and fine lines effectively.

Retinoid boosts collagen production in the skin cells and that is why they are almost always present in any good anti wrinkle cream. Retinal palpitate is also from the retinoid family but they are not the best ingredient to fight wrinkles and other symptoms of an ageing skin according to some independent reports. The findings are being disputed by a few scientists and efforts are being made to conduct more intense research on the ingredient to confirm its cancer causing action.

Consumers are wary of using an anti wrinkle facial cream that contains retinal palpitate as one of the active ingredients because of these reports. The tests that are scheduled to be conducted on the product will make things more clear in the near future. However, products containing Vitamin A and other retinols are said to be safe for your skin even when used long term. There are dozens of creams available in the market all claiming to be the best ones for wrinkles and other symptoms of ageing. Finding the right one can be challenging.To know more about safe anti wrinkle cream you should hydroxatone official website hydroxatone.tv.

Author's Bio: 

An effective Anti Wrinkle Facial Cream contains safe and clinically proven ingredients that deliver visible and real results. Most of the Anti Aging Wrinkle creams contain ingredients that are not exactly safe and not recommended for long term use. You must make your choice carefully.