Today's chaotic world produced a phenomenon—the benevolent business person. The wealthiest people on the planet like Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett are giving away their fortunes through their foundations.

On a smaller scale, you may be considering to offer your time and expertise to an organization as community service.

From my involvement in corporate giving, a few items come to mind to consider:
1. It is important to know the nature of the charity's work. How do your values align with the work?
2. What is the global symbol or face of the organization? Each executive must decide how that fits with their own mission, vision and values.
3. What is the "wish list" of the organization? A comprehensive outline is helpful to people to contribute tangibles, not just money. It is easier for the donating company to "sell" the idea to their audiences that way.
4. Each company decides how realistic they find the goals and how they align with the company image. Is this information likely to be posted to your website?
5. What checks and balances are in place to assure funds reach the targets? A complete listing of where the monies are held and a contact person are helpful to prospective donors. People are skeptical when the cause appears too huge to manage.
6. What is your "feel good" payoff? Younger leaders today have a different perspective on causes. It is not just about a tax deduction for them. They are eager to participate when they see the sense of the big picture and how the parts work together. Is this present for you to devote time and attention.
7. For those of you considering to a start and non-profit or be involved with a new organization, I advise writing a comprehensive plan, like a marketing map, that demonstrates the outreach goals and intended efforts. This will support you to obtain sponsors and in your fund-raising efforts.

Hard times can bring out the best in people. Follow the CNN Heroes and other wonderful efforts around the world. Get involved on some level. Your soul will thank you.

Best of luck. And welcome to a positive idea that emerges from the chaos.

Resource Links—
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
CNN Heroes

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Cubas wants to be known by her being, not her doing. She is a certified executive coach, business author, and NSA speaker. She founded Positive Potentials LLC in 1982 to serve companies to achieve their visions, and return civility and purpose to the workplace. Her coaching is supported with various certifications: State Examiner in the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Criteria, Emotional Intelligence facilitator, Values/Behavioral Analyst.

Further, she assists people to “to be heard” by publishing their ideas, methods, and expertise with her quick, proprietary method. Michelle is a professional writer and co-authored two books, Thriving in the Midst of Change and Magnetic Leadership. Her next book, The Broken Social Contract, exposes how American culture is unraveling and the impact this has on business, education, social interaction, values and American image in the world. Ever the optimist, she notes the role of the self-referred individuals in her new Multi-Dimensional Leadership Business Model™ scheduled for release in early 2012.

Authenticity is her foundation. Michelle’s client research directly links Business Literacy™ to productivity. She is the only coach focused in these areas. Because of this premise, companies seek her progressive, tested human capital philosophy and diversity hiring systems. Her written and seminar works focus on people, process, profits and productivity. Clients use her award-winning, practical ideas and tested systems to achieve their personal and professional advancement.

Michelle conducts and facilitates hundreds of programs, seminars and keynote presentations and has touched thousands of participants with her sincere, mentoring style. Michelle brings advanced knowledge, expert adult teaching skills, and introduces innovative business development strategies that differentiate Michelle’s style from traditional ones.

Her analysis and subsequent training impacts leadership, the role of diversity, and change mastery for company culture transitions is based on her State Examiner experience. She has served companies such as Toshiba Computers, Avnet Global Services Group, and The City of Phoenix.

Her post-graduate work was at University of Southern California (USC), Corporate Communications and undergraduate studies at Wayne State University, Bachelor of Science in English and psychology. She is a certified graduate of the internationally acclaimed CTI, Co-Active Coach Training Institute.