With Heather Fanjoy,BS,ATP®
“Lightworkers Unite! It is time for us to speak our words of beauty and truth for all to hear. We must join together and assist all to have awareness! It is a Call to Action for your Earth plane! Fear not for we angels are here-now-today to lend our courage, strength and healing to you all. We are in all ways available to you for all tasks. Let us all rejoice in the coming of the Light Age. Let us all commune for the good of all. Let us be one with our Divine Creator. Let us be free together. Call us by name and invoke the powers of the heavens. Show gratitude to all and ensure thoughts of loving kindness flow through the mind ~ We can help you. Dear ones-harness the energy of today to create your tomorrow. Join together in thoughtfulness and gratitude for your Earth and all of its creations. The gifts that you will receive in return will truly be Divine. May you move into your new dawn with love and compassion in your hearts and feel peace.”Channeled message from the Archangels
Happy Holidays! The angelic realm was full of messages this month! As we become more aware of our feelings and needs, the angels become more specific in their guidance for us. Many people may be feeling overwhelmed during these holidays. With many people feeling a need to purchase gifts and such, it is no wonder the angels came with messages of prosperity this month. Prosperity comes in many forms so we must increase our awareness of all the ways our lives are blessed!
The first Archangel here to assist us is Archangel Chamuel. Urging us to tap into and honor our ideas & thoughts as they are Divinely guided! You may not be able to see the big picture, but these thoughts are the stepping stones along your path to true happiness. Perhaps you have been guided to attend a class or seminar, but you have created reasons why you just cannot do it, afford it, etc.. Go for it! When we follow our Divine Guidance, the prosperity will always appear to take care of all of our needs. Archangel Michael would like to offer his loving assistance to us here so we may cut our cords to any destructive patterns in our lives or fears that we may be holding onto which block our ability to access our personal power to create our dreams.
This leads us to our next heavenly messenger Archangel Raziel. Bringing with him the secrets to turn your thoughts and ideas into gold! This powerful archangel guides us to use our personal power to create the blessings in our lives. He will guide you to lovingly transform your intentions into this reality. If you feel apprehensive about this power, just remind yourself how much good you can share with the world if your Divine idea was put into action! To become a magnet for prosperity, you must be dedicated to helping the world become a better place! Be patient with yourself and your dreams ~ all is unfolding in Divine time and we must be aware if we want to catch it all! Archangel Jophiel can help if you are in need of a little patience!
The final message from the angelic realm for this month is one of cleansing. We are being urged to actively and consciously cleanse our energy bodies and chakras (energy centers). There are many methods for doing this ~ Reiki, Pranic Healing®, guided meditations, calling on the angels or receiving Angel Therapy® from a certified practitioner and many more! The angels have given us some specific chakras to focus on when embarking on our cleansing process:
Solar Plexus ~ Infusing it with the energy of safety to accept your personal power & take charge!
Sacral ~ Infusing it with the energy of purification to detoxify your life of ALL toxic things & relationships
3rd Eye ~ Infusing it with the energy of clear vision to see love in all its forms-angels, auras, visions, intuitions
Crown ~ Infusing it with the energy of Universal Wisdom so that we may honor our inspired thoughts and tap into all the powerful & loving energies available to us
I truly hope you find these messages to be helpful and supportive to you on your journey. Do not hesitate to call an angel for help with ANY situation that may disturb your inner peace-even if it is just wrapping gifts!
Wishing you Infinite Love & Prosperity,
Heather Fanjoy is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Heather has been working with the angels since she was a small child. She is a Crystal/Indigo Scout who has dedicated her life to spreading the feeling of Love to all people. It is her hope that all who come to her will feel the love of the angels and know they are divinely protected in all ways. Heather has been doing spiritual work with people and animals for the past 15 years. She holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology with a minor in Dance from Salem State University. In addition to her ATP® certification, Heather is a certified Usui & Seichim Reiki Master and certified in Master Choa Kok Sui’s Basic, Pranic Psychotherapy & Advanced Pranic Healing® techniques. Heather also joyfully practices Master Choa’s Arhatic Yoga®. She is ready and very happy to be in service of your spiritual needs!
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