Can you think of anyone in your life, who has been completely, unconditionally loving with you? Most people are lucky if they can think of even one person. I guarantee you this, if there has been one, you will likely never forget this person and how they made you feel.
I remember a pivotal story that Michael Beckwith, the Founder of The Agape International Spiritual Center told me and my fellow Practitioner Colleagues many years ago. He told us of a Prison Warden in California who consistently had the lowest rate of recidivism of all Prison systems in the state. Recidivism is a relapse into crime. His prisoners were least likely to return to crime, once they were released back into society. He apparently held this record for many years before someone finally asked him what he attributed his success to.
He basically said that he believed in the inherent good of all people, no matter their behavior.
When he would meet an inmate for the first time, despite whatever crime they had been convicted of, he would commit to identifying at least one positive trait about them. For some, it was very difficult, and he would have to look very hard to find something redeeming in them.
Once he identified the trait, no matter how obscure, he would then call the prisoner by that trait, rather than their name. For instance, in the case of an inmate who was good with numbers, every time he would see him he would say, “Hey, Mr. Math.”
Over time, what he began to notice was that the particular trait would become magnified in their behavior. Eventually, it started to effect their overall behavior, they would become more confident in themselves, and reveal more positive qualities.
It may seem obvious, but people do better when they feel better about themselves. Not when they're constantly reminded of what’s “wrong” with them.
So, are you wondering what all this has to do with healing your body? Everything.
That one person in your life, who loved you unconditionally, modeled to you how it feels to be truly loved just as you are, from the bottom of your tiny toes to the top of your funny little head. They loved you without judgment.
How many of us can honestly say, that we do this for ourselves on a consistent basis? Do you feel unconditionally loved by YOU? Are you kind, understanding, compassionate, forgiving, patient, and generous with yourself? Do you focus on the good in you? My guess is, “not so much.”
The absolute bottom line to health and wholeness lies in our ability to love and embrace ourselves “whole-heartedly”, without exception. In fact, I believe that this is our one true lesson plan on planet earth.
This may sound airy-fairy to some, or too esoteric, but the human body responds to feelings of well-being, and vice versa. Just for a moment, try telling yourself over and over again that you are “Perfect Just As You Are”, and then feel how your body reacts. Does it get stronger or weaker?
Now tell yourself, that "You're Not Good Enough” over and over again, and then see how your body feels. The body will undoubtedly weaken with the negative thought.
Now imagine what having negative self beliefs over your lifetime will do, and how it will affect how your body feels, and of course how you live your life.
When it comes down to it, you are solely responsible for how you feel about you. Not your parents, not your spouse, not your grandparents, your kids, your first grade teacher, your Aunt Mabel or your first boyfriend or girlfriend.
If they were not able to love you unconditionally, it was because they were not able to love themselves unconditionally. How 'bout you? Are you willing to do this for you?
It’s true that we are our own worst enemies. We know that. So, why do we expect everyone else to treat us better or love us better, than we are willing to for ourselves?
Today, you can begin to get yourself out of the “prison” of your own making, by letting go of judgment for yourself. Start by telling yourself that today is a new day, the past is the past, and it’s okay to love yourself right now, just as you are.
Be willing to forgive yourself for not always being your best, or for carrying thoughts about yourself that were ultimately self destructive.
The fact is, the minute you decide you are worthy of loving yourself, will be the same minute you will align yourself with Universal Love, the greatest healing power available. You will have just opened up the gateway for your healing, (the same gateway that you erroneously closed, by withholding love from yourself through negative self judgment).
The practice of self forgiveness is an essential part to healing any physical condition. Thankfully, you don't have to know how to do it, your simple willingness to, is all you need.
Be like the prison warden, and focus on what’s “right” about you. No matter what crime you think you committed, today you can break out of your self imposed prison, by releasing self judgement. Free yourself, once and for all, to live a life of health and well being.
To The Truth That Sets Us All Free,
Donna Gershman ALSP
Donna Gershman ALSP is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner and Healer through the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, California. She has been in private practice since 1999 and has had extraordinary success in helping adults, children and animals heal "incurable" disease and chronic conditions. Her results are often seen as miracles, as in the case of a 5 year old child that Ms Gershman was able to wake spontaneously from a 2 1/2 year catatonic state, as well as the immediate and complete eradication of end stage cancer in a patient that was told she had 2 weeks to live. In addition to Health concerns, Ms. Gershman has also helped countless individuals with issues ranging from relationships, money matters, self-esteem, loss, grief, crisis, depression, anxiety, addictions, parenting issues, and many others. Ms. Gershman is known for both her vigilance of Truth, and her keen intuition. She gets to the heart of the matter quickly, generally does not mince words and often will leave you laughing.
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