It’s so simple –yet so hard if you don't know what you're doing. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. That says it all.

Yet so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants, from the panic mode.

I call it “near sighted vision”. They only see what's in front of them. It’s as if their calendar only goes 30 days out.

They’ll do things such as:

Plan to do a telesummit/teleseries next month having never done one before
Decide they want to hold a workshop next month without the topic concept
Start to for sponsors for an event happening next month and give it away
Say "yes" to all of the wrong opportunities and spend endless amounts of time and energy on the wrong stuff
Say "no" to things in the long term would give them so much financial stability
Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Or else they go into “freak out” mode. Crying and crying. Worrying and wondering where the money is going to come from. Of course they're worried – they didn’t plan for the future.

If they’re facing an unexpected financial emergency (car/home repairs), braces for their kids or something like that, then it’s as if their world is falling apart. They can’t think straight, they want to give up, and they’re scared, frightened, and disappointed.

There’s no need for that. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.

The opposite of the 6 P's is to plan for and get amazing results. I understand for most entrepreneurs this almost goes against their nature. It’s more fun to stay in the creative mode and have freedom. Where all of the genius juices are flowing. The problem is that you need to have a balance of both to build a profitable and successful sustainable business.

1. Start preparing your business to be a real business. Plan for the future so what you're doing today will bring your the success you want.

2. Join me on this brand new complimentary call : Entrepreneurial Financial Freedom where I teach you the 5 steps needed to go from unpredictability to consistency. It's a much better place to be! Click here to reserve your spot :

Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders,
Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert

P.S. No more tears! Join me on the live call (there will be a special bonus for live listeners only)

P.S.S. Remember, I'm an expert at helping entrepreneurs work through procrastination. So, if you're reading this saying...hmmm...someday...that's not going to get your where you want to go. Join me on the call.

Author's Bio: 

Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach, specializing in helping heart-centered Entrepreneurs make more money FAST! She has developed a powerful technique called the Success Activator System TM which combines her 3 areas of expertise: Business Development, Tapping and Laws of Attraction. This system helps her clients have success on their own terms - becoming bigger, bolder and better! - they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money and develop more self-confidence. This technique helped Kate increase her own income to over 6-figures very quickly and helps her clients make more money quickly, too. Many have doubled their income in a very short time!

As a highly sought after Transformational Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 and 2012 Tapping World Summit, (with a total of over 825,000 listeners worldwide). Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction. She was also featured on Boston's Top Radio Station "Exceptional Women" Radio Series.

To get your BRAND NEW FREE MINI VIDEO SERIES: "Stop Procrastinating: 3 Keys to Mastering the Business & Financial Success of Your Dreams", please click here.