When I talk to the angels in my life, I learn a great deal. Listed below are ten life-altering lessons they've taught me.

One. Live your life with integrity. The angels instructed me, "Spend your time performing activities that match your highest intentions. Get rid of things: energies, that yourinner voice prompts you to surrender.

Those things: issues,|pain|loneliness|aloneness| emotional discomfort} may either turn into something healed, so that you may enjoy them, or otherwise the activity will effortlessly drop away." The angels urged me to rely on the answers from my heart. They assured me that I would be safe to turn down a job that failed to match my heart-felt interests. I speedily found that the angels had been right!

Two. Now is What Matters "You arecomplete exactly as you are right now. Never look to what tomorrow may possibly bring - this implies that you are in some way imperfect or lacking in the now, and that you will be complete after something outside yourself comes.

When the angels said this, I came to realize that I’d been living for the future. My concentration was on what tomorrow would bring to me, rather than my current blessings. I now make a checklist"|mental list of things to be grateful for} each day.

Three. All conflict is inside of your mind. "Any battle you see or experience in the outside world is actually a projection of the ego. In fact, the planet is totally at peace, and it is you who are projecting either your anxiety onto {the world|the planetyou’re your peace. By doing this, {you are not getting rid of your inner dischord, but you do want to get it as far away from you as possible. And that means you project it onto other people around you and believe that 'they' are the culprits who are triggering in you the pain. Other people are neutral - clean slates - you inflict on them yourvery own meanings and definitions. Then, you react to them as if these colorations and definitions are genuine. Other folks, in turn, deal with you in whicever way which you expect them to, in what becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy." As the angels explained this, I realized how often I’d permitted dread to make me miserable. But at all times, I had the power to control the thoughts and feelings I had ascribed to the various situations.

Four. Eat Well. That which youeat is important. "All food has a natural vibration, and it is best for you to vibrate as highly as you are capable of. Eat a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, which possess the highest vibrational frequencies. Avoid meats, dairy, alcohol, sugar, chocolate, and caffeine, which contain the lowest vibrations (despite how good they might taste!. And remember the essence of all foods you eat impacts you well after the meal is digested and gone." There I try to keep plenty of space for improvement so I followed the guardian angel's suggestions and adopted a more Vegan attitude towardseating. The positive change in my energy and sense of well-being was noticeable and speedy! In place of experiencing deprivation from the change, picking healthiermeals felt effortless.

Five. Give Freely, without strings. You will get benefits from giving of yourself to others; it is the universal law. But it's not your decision HOW the cause and affect will be circulated. Plus, should you are expecting something in return, you haven't really given anything. Rather, you're holding onto it in limbo, expecting to get something equal in return." With complete trust in my guardian angels, I made a decision to cut off all strings attached to any of the gifts I’ve given to others. Right away, I began getting amazing rewards, for example getting new business opportunities and amazing experiences with friends and family.

6. Take Time Alone in Nature. "The sounds and smells of nature are not visible, so they can take your mind towards the invisible realm of spirit, where all things vibrate higher and faster than normal matter. There are healing qualities in the outside. Being in nature helps you to adapt to the natural rhythm of the planet and since timing and cycles are a part of every thing, you become more connected to the song of life.

7. Detach from Your Stuff. "When you are connected to worldly stuff in thought, you remain bound to the stuff of the ego, and hence continue to be connected to the ego itself. There's no method of escaping this universal law.” My guardian angels expressed it clearly that there is certainly nothing at all wrong with material things. Physical stuff is neutral, according to the angels. They also recognize we human beings have material needs, such as food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, and shelter etc. Even so, when we overly contemplate material things - such as continuously dreaming about wealth or possessions - we're focusing on our lower-self, as opposed to our higher selves.

Eight. Release Judgments. "You judge other people as a means of shielding yourself, to maintain them emotionally separate from you so you will not let your guard down and get hurt. But you need not be concerned with your emotional safety. You are safe and sound in all things. "The angels assured me that we invite to our world whatever we contemplate the most – Whatever you obsessively think about whether it be physical or emotional, it will happen. With practice, you can start to notice the second when you have judged other people. As you start to let go of your fears to the Universe, you’ll feel your judgments steadily diminish to nothingness.

9. Your thoughts develop your reality. "In the event you feel an unloving thought or perhaps a thought devoid of universal love for instance competition, envy, or worry, you will feel the same aloneness. What you resist, you become. You do not want hurt. Therefore, make the decision to provide your negative ideas up to the Universe." At they say in AA – ‘Let go and Let God.’ I had often believed that my outer circumstances controlled my happiness. Nonetheless, the angels insisted that this was backwards, and that my ideas colored my entire world. They instructed me that my happiness did not hinge upon what I acquired, but rather upon what I considered.

10. In all things, give love to The Supreme Being. Because, when you give the thanksfulness to The Divine, you are glorifying that part of yourself that is one with The Creator. By constantly inviting the God of your heart into the equation, you stay out of your ego state, and stay focused in your higher self consciousness."

Rev Amy Long has written and/or produced an outstanding program for spiritual growth through the Universal Life Church Seminary. The Seminary offers a lot of free training and free mini-courses, as well as free online ordination, so you can officiate at weddings, start a church, or follow your dreams of spiritual growth.

Author's Bio: 

Kevin is a student of psychology and spiritual studies and a minister at the Universal Life Church.