The purpose of this article is to help people identify bad friendships, so they can make the choice to end them before things get really bad. There are many friendships that are not healthy; in fact, many friends are bad friends, and sometimes the other party has trouble spotting this out. If you are someone who does have a bad friend, then it really is best to cut it off. Bad friends can be mentally and emotionally draining. This article will provide my readers with a list of 10 signs of a bad friend.

The purpose of this article is to help people identify bad friendships, so they can make the choice to end them before things get really bad. Friends are a true gift to life. When you have friends, life can be a lot easier. Friendships are great for laughter, tears, advice; true friends are there for you through the good times and the bad times. However, there are many friendships that are not healthy; in fact, many friends are bad friends, and sometimes the other party has trouble spotting this out. If you are someone who does have a bad friend, then it really is best to cut it off. Bad friends can be mentally and emotionally draining. This article will provide a list of ten signs of a bad friendship.

1. The Taker: This type is really a bad friend. The taker will try to possess what you have and acquire your achievements in order to satisfy his or her envy and greed. This type of a person will try to sneak behind your back to either steal money or your significant other, and he or she will feel no remorse about doing so. This type of person needs to be completely cut off.

2. Stress: If you have a friend who always stresses you out with his or her actions or words, then this is a sign of a bad friend. A true friend should never make you feel stressed out. Stress also includes the feeling that you always need to please the other person because that person makes you feel that way.

3. Chaos: A friend who loves to cause chaos or takes pleasure in seeing chaos with other people is not a friend at all. If you are a round a person who is always talking about destructive things or shows happiness at other failed relationship or other people’s failures, then you are being poisoned with this so called friend’s words. This type of a person will always try to get you to cause trouble as well, such as lie, cheat, or steal.

4. Gossiper: A person who gossips to you about everyone will make you believe that he or she is your best friend. Do not be fooled. If this person gossips to you about others, then he or she certainly gossips about you.

5. Criticiser: Do not consider someone who constantly criticises your goals and ambitions a friend. These people of people try to hold you back and not let you grow. A true friend will only offer constructive criticism. However, if a person constantly says something that you do or say is stupid or dumb, then put a stop to it or cut this person off.

6. User: If a person only calls you to hang out because he or she wants something, then this is truly a bad friend. For the most part, these people will call to hang out, spend a day with you, show you a good time, and then ask for something, and once they get it, you will not hear from them for long periods of time.

7. Bossy: Do not be fooled by someone who bosses you around and tells you what to do or how to do it. There are many people who hang around bossy people and think that they are their friends; this is wrong. A bossy person is not a good friend.

8. Excuses: A bad friend will always make excuses for his or her behaviour. Or, this person will make excuses for not hanging out or taking your calls. Furthermore, the person who always has an n excuse will expect you to be there when you need him or her.

9. Never Returns Favours: These types of people will always ask for favours, but when you ask for a favour, they will always say no, or they are too busy. A true friend will always be there when you need him or her.

10. Chooses the Better Deal: This type of a so-called friend will make plans with you, but he or she will cancel if something more appealing comes up, such as a party or date. This type of person will almost certainly never invite you to tag along either.

Finally, above these are the top signs of a bad friendship. I hope it is interesting and unique (knowledgeable) for you to read...


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Hi, i am Bhavesh Joshi- creator of "Knowledge of World" organization. Here, my target is to provide essential knowledge on necessary topics as could be related to science (technology, biology, astrology etc.), history, entertainment, world religions, life-style tips, world festivals etc. This blog contains interesting unique knowledge of world...

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