Telomeres and Telomerase - the new buzz words for anti-aging?

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to scientists for their early work on telomere biology. But what are telomeres and telomerase and what do they have to do with anti-aging?

It used to be thought that our bodies get old and simply wear out. But scientists now believe that aging isn't just a consequence of living; it's actually programmed right into our genes.

What's a telomere?

The telomere is a region of DNA at the end of each of our chromosomes. Our cells can't replicate to the very end of our chromosomes and the tips of our chromosomes get shorter each time our cells divide. It is a controversial claim that telomere shortening is the primary cause of aging, but evidence is beginning to pile up to support this theory – especially since experiments involving an enzyme called telomerase have been shown to reverse telomere shortening.

If it were possible to lengthen the telomeres, it is theoretically possible that we could lengthen our life span – or at the very least, live out our senior years with greater youth and vitality.

Are there products that support telomere health?

Several companies are researching ways to increase telomerase production. Some have developed tools that include genetic engineering and DNA vaccines – very expensive propositions. But one company has developed a product that will support telomere health and at an affordable price. That company is Isagenix.
Who is Isagenix?

Isagenix is an international health and wellness company with an outstanding line of no-compromise products. Isagenix leads the field in nutritional cleansing and replenishing the body. Isagenix' Master Formulator, John Anderson, has teamed up with William H. Andrews, Ph.D., of Sierra Sciences, to develop a natural product to support telomeres. (Dr. Andrews currently holds 35 US issued patents in the field of telomerase and telomere lengthening.) This new Isagenix product was released to the public in August of 2011.

Let's face it – none of us are going to get out of here alive! The products of any company that can extend our lifespan will be highly sought after. Time is the one commodity that will always be in demand.

Author's Bio: 

Nancee Kemper is an Isagenix Independent Associate and Nutritional Cleanse and Business Coach. She left her position in the legal field to help others to reach their health and financial goals. Please go to to comment on this article.