Successful entrepreneurs all have the ability to surround themselves with fellow proficient business people and affiliate marketing business owners must be able to do this as well. Network marketing relies on a team of people being able to work together to achieve team success. The members of a network marketing team must be able to embrace a common vision and common goals for the business and the team to succeed. If you become part of a network marketing team, you will soon find out the great importance of your up line and down line in consideration to your own success.

The most successful businesses in the world are those who have a bottom-up approach to business. Basically, you can achieve your own success by following the success of others within the system. In the bottom-up approach to business, all the individuals at all levels of the business contribute to the growth of the business and the success of the team as a whole. The best network marketing companies and programs will strive to grow leaders that understand the work and teach it to others, develop exceptional affiliates and teams to promote the company and to help network affiliates by helping them to improve. Many up line leaders in this industry who have built their substantial organizations follow a top-down approach to business and these organizations fail to leverage the potential of their down line team. These organizations are more managing their down line rather than leading their down line and enhancing business. These types of organizations with the top-down approach to business will usually educate their down line how to use and follow their system, but will emphasize the importance of teamwork. Not to mention, these organizations do not take into account that their system may not work for everyone. Affiliates working for these organizations will not be supported if they do not use the system that has been chosen. These network marketing organizations with the top-down approach have accounted for many of the affiliates who failed in this type of business.

As an affiliate marketer, working with an up line, or organization, that has the bottom-up philosophy for their business will be the best choice. These organizations often offer easily duplicatable, successful marketing systems to teach their affiliates and offer training and mentoring programs to help their down line. As you build your team and your knowledge of this industry, you will be able to help train your own recruits and work with your down and up lines to increase the overall success for all members of the team.

Author's Bio: 

Vic Lahure Internet Success Coach
"Helping Average People Become Successful"

Vic started his pursuit of an online business with the hope that he would find a company that would teach him how to market and be successful. This online business not only filled these expectations, but exceeded them.
By following Vic and this New Online Marketing System you can create a success story of your own.