In this video, I show you how to play riffs between the chords you play on guitar.

These type of riffs are known as chord rhythm fills and can be heard in the playing of players such as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and John Mayer.

Chord rhythm fills are a great way to spruce up your rhythm guitar playing, which happens to be what you do most the time when playing guitar.

In this lesson, I show you several common chord rhythm fills, variations of each, and ways to plug these fills into the progressions you play.

Each fill will relate to a common chord on the fretboard making it easy for you to visualise and access in your playing.

Watch the video below to learn more:

Chord Rhythm Fills Video Tutorial

Chord Rhythm Fills

- Rhythm Fill 1

This first rhythm fill relates to the root 5 bar chord form:

Rhythm Fill 1

- Rhythm Fill 2

Here is a variation of the first fill:

Rhythm Fill 2

- Rhythm Fill 3

Another variation of the original fill:

Rhythm Fill 3

- Rhythm Fill 4

This rhythm fill relates to the root 6 bar chord form:

Rhythm Fill 4

- Rhythm Fill 5

Here is a variation of the previous fill:

Rhythm Fill 5

- Rhythm Fill 6

Another variation:

Rhythm Fill 6

- Rhythm Fill Example 1

The following is an example of combining chord rhythm fills across a simple chord progression in G:

Rhythm Fill Progression 1

- Rhythm Fill Example 2

Here is another example of applying the same chord riffs with basic variations applied:

Rhythm Fill Progression 2

Learn more ways to improve your rhythm guitar playing

Author's Bio: 

Simon Candy has been teaching guitar professionally for over 25 years. Teaching locally at his own guitar school, as well as conducting masterclasses internationally, Simon specialises in the acoustic providing acoustic guitar lessons online