The vision of “Living an Organic and Orgasmic Life” is about the transformative natural healing that happens when you live your life going with the flow (organically) and squeezing the juice (orgasmically) from every moment.

When we tap into our pleasure centers and experience the contentment and peace that lives there, we have the potential to create such lofty visions as world peace. John Lennon imagined organic and orgasmic living. I believe that deep down in our inner sanctums of truth, we want to “Make Love Not War.” Call me an optimist...I surrender as charged. The fear that shields our minds and bodies from the essence of orgasmic living is only a mask.

My journey of discovery and finding organic and orgasmic living came from the mask of a chronic pain condition. My health, for the last 26 years, has been on a roller coaster of mild to severe pain with very few pain-free days overall. You would not have a clue from looking at me unless you notice the swelling on my hands, or witness me getting up and down off the floor. I have worn my mask well.

Do we always have to go through pain to get to the pleasure? Many experts believe that it is when we are uncomfortable, that we have the compelling reason to consider another way. Until we are willing to look at the truth of our pain, the pleasure will go unnoticed.

When I finally learned to surrender to pain, I was shocked to find the pleasure lives right there along side of it. My initial experience finding the pleasure came through surrendering to the pain and seeking another way, besides pharmaceutical medication, to find relief. It came during a sexual healing experience when I went from a 10 on the pain scale to a 2 after having numerous orgasms during sex. My body moved easily and gracefully for about 4 hours after. It didn’t last though. So I began to experiment with the fact that the orgasmic-ness lived inside of me. Could I recreate that sensation in my body outside of the bedroom? And the answer is yes, and that is what has birthed this movement towards natural healing through inner beauty and sexuality.

What does it take to explore this for yourself?

You must get out of your head and into your body. It is impossible to tap into your inner juice by thinking about it. It just doesn’t work. For women, this is not always the easiest thing to do either. During sex, if you have that overactive mind (and you are not alone) let your mind drift to the sensation place. What do you feel on your skin? Walk outside and feel the air on your face, and just notice.
Your experience of inner sexuality is greatly enhanced when you feel your inner beauty. When a woman feels her inner beauty, an inner sexuality naturally flows out. This is not beauty from the outside only...this is an inner place of loving yourself that assures you that you are a beautiful being. Think of the last time you noticed something that was so beautiful it made you react with a deeply felt “Ah.” In that moment, you have tapped into inner juice. So find something that really touches you...a beautiful photo, painting, friends, family, flowers, trees, a is everywhere. And then look in your eyes, and find it there too.
Once you have experienced a moment of tapping into your inner juice, feel it. Where is it located inside your body? I can guarantee that it is not in your head. Some of my clients have found it in their hearts, others in their lower abdomen, and still others in their solar plexus.

Enjoy the experience of exploring and learning about your inner magnificence that is the natural truth of who you are...

Author's Bio: 

Betty Louise (aka, Coach Betty), US Radio personality, has interviewed progressive thinking experts, artists and innovators from all over the world. Author John Gray of Mars/Venus fame, Grammy Award Winning Freddie Ravel, and brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor have been some of Coach Betty’s amazing guests.

Coach Betty lives in the San Francisco Bay Area surrounded by innovators in the green movement, alternative medicine, and technology. For the last 20 years, she has coached and interviewed pioneers, artists and experts that have brought about positive change.

She earned her credentials at the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the CTI Co-Active Leadership Program, the Center for Right Relationship (CRR), and the Academy of Intuition Medicine.  She is also a Master Trainer for the Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and co-author of the book “Understanding Fibromyalgia: A Guide for Family and Friends.”

Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis more than 20 years ago, host Betty Louise knows pain inside out. After 15 years of pharmaceuticals, she now fully trusts her inner guide and follows her own natural recipe for a healthy life. Her expertise and experience have inspired hundreds of her clients return to their inner truth, and find the path to true meaning.

She is an eco-coach who works with individuals, partnerships/couples, and organizations. She gets quick results when readiness to change outweighs fear. Her phone sessions will help you relate to anyone, anytime, anywhere…with grace and confidence.

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