Taking your 50’s in their stride.

Most people have a fear of aging so by the time they reach 50 many are quite paranoid when they need not be. As a matter of fact if you have the right attitude and desire your fifties could be some of the best years of your life. By this time you don’t usually have as many hang ups as you did when you were younger. You have learned that so many of the things that used to bother you no longer do. You are more willing to let things go.

By the time you reach your 60s and over you realize that you are actually still young in your 50s so if you know that before you get there don’t bother to waste time worrying about it – just enjoy it! Many manage to stay active and in good health into their 70s, 80s and beyond.

You should also be a lot wiser and more prepared to call the shots for yourself and not be so concerned with what others think. You know you are not going to get any younger but it doesn’t mean that you can’t still feel young and have a good time doing things that you’ve always done or wanted to do. With the correct mindset and a positive outlook on life you will extend your youthfulness.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the old concept of aging. We know that you are supposed to slow down and at a certain age that your looks fade, eye sight, hearing deteriorate and so on. Of course this is true in varying degrees. But it doesn’t mean that you have to dress a certain way be more conservative and stop doing things you love to fit in with what society expects of you. Fortunately the perception of aging is changing as more Baby Boomers stay active and look younger than their predecessors.

There’s certainly something to be said about good genes too some are more fortunate than others of us but it’s not the only thing that counts to staying youthful as long as possible. There are a lot of things that you can do by taking more responsibility for you. Age shows in the way we feel, move and just in the way we look. The face is one of the first places that shows age so why not take care of your skin there are a number of good products that you can use and a lot of people are getting excellent results with the ANSR red light therapy for skin.

Remember that eating the right foods help with maintaining a healthy weight, and helps to keep such things as cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar levels under control. Also it’s important to keep your brain healthy. Reading is a great source of mental activity and has become even more convenient and fun with the Kindle wireless reading device. Having hobbies that are creative are also fun and important to your overall health and wellness. Taking up hobbies like pottery classes, woodworking, quilting, playing an instrument or taking painting lessons can give you satisfaction a sense of achievement as well as being great mental exercise.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s can affect people as early as in their forties so don’t wait plan to be a healthy young at heart senior that refuses to get old.

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: Shirley Price is into encouraging the over 50s to live the best life possible. Too many just give up and wait for old age. Shirley is the publisher of www.lifebydesignover50.com she has developed workshops for those that have been thinking about their future retirement and how they are going to live it.