People I coach in business tend to focus on one thing – their business. Isn’t that what they are suppose to do, you ask? Of course! If we don’t focus on our business then guess what? We won’t have one!

There is a common denominator, however, in every business - You - the person who started it, nurtures it and wants it to grow. And so, the million dollar question is, if you don’t take care of the number ONE aspect of your business – YOU – the “who” of the business, than what makes you think you will be successful at taking care of the other aspects of the business – the “what”?

Here is what I know. We are human “beings” first, not human “doings” first. Unfortunately, most people focus on the “doing” and try to diminish the impact of the “being”. And so I hear things like, “no problem, I leave my personal and family life at home”, or “I don’t have to look at my personal life. I just want to work on my business”. Great! And good luck. I have never worked with or spoken to a successful business person that did not acknowledge the impact their personal life has on their business and sought help to deal with it. If you think things in your personal life are A-OK, that’s awesome. If you feel you have the “personal and home situation taken care of” well done. And mark my words. If you don’t acknowledge and get support for what is going on in your personal life, your business will suffer. It’s like breaking a leg and trying to run a marathon. One does impact the success of the other.

Guess what? We all have aspects of our lives that impact our business, consciously or subconsciously. It’s up to you whether you “take care of business” so you can truly focus on making your business flourish!

So how can you do this you ask? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Meditate. This just means being still within. There are many methods one can practice. A simple way is by sitting cross legged and focusing on your breathing. Don’t worry if your mind is racing. It usually takes time before your mind is able to release any thoughts.

2. Go for a walk, preferably in nature; in a park, by the lake etc. Be aware of your

3. Laugh. Yes, just laugh. If you need to think of a joke or a funny situation great.
If you don’t, just laugh.

4. Tell the people in your life you love them. Spend time with them. Dream

5. Take a little time for yourself and just rest. Give yourself permission to just “be”
for a little while…not “do”… just “be”!

"One of the keys to effective communication and dispute resolution is understanding ourselves and how we think and also understanding how others are wired as well. Each of us has personality styles that are unique to ourselves - however there are also patterns as well. When you understand the differing personality styles and their blends - you begin to see people as they are with more understanding! For more information on understanding personality styles please contact Mandie at"

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Author's Bio: 

Mandie Crawford is a marketing expert, business coach, trainer and motivational speaker who was recently awarded Calgary Business Woman of the Year for her contributions to the business community.

Mandie also has skills and expertise in providing high quality guidance in time management and system implementation for small a medium sized businesses. Her passion as a business and professional development coach is to helps women recognize their value and self worth.

She is the President of Roaring Women Ltd which is Canada’s premier national business support group for women in business that focuses on connecting, promoting and educating women in business. In her goal to encourage and educate women in building business across the country, she launched and completed a 6 week coaching tour in partnership with Staple Business Depot in 2008 where she coached over 600 women in business.

Mandie is mother to four children and 3 stepchildren and one highly energetic chocolate lab! Ms Crawford is also a former award winning police officer with Halton Regional Police.