Infidelity percentage found on the Internet has varied results. But statistics usually presents that more men cheat than women. If you’ve met a couple of two-timers, you’d know if they’re good at stashing it or not. But whichever category he belongs, you know that no secret remains hidden in the shoebox. The sooner the woman can point out the signs he is cheating, the sooner she can make up her mind about the relationship.

Here are top four indicators that your man has gone astray.

There are changes in his schedule.

As we know, change is the only permanent thing in this world so you must be careful in accusing him that he has another woman. Try to evaluate if his longer hours of work, extended activities with his buddies and official business trips has something to do with infidelity. Does he consult you before he commits to an activity that may disrupt your quality time together? Does he consistently make lame excuses for his unavailability? Does he alter his routine for trivial matters that doesn’t concern you?

His stress on privacy is absurd.

When he turns off his cell phone during your dates, receives calls a few meters away from you, erases call history and reluctant to let you browse his messages, he is probably hiding something from you. His Internet usage says something about his activities too. Check who he chats or where he lurks. A guiltless boyfriend or husband would never get irritable and angry, as long as you don’t do it unreasonably.

There are lies between the lines and movements.

Lies are caught with inconsistent statements not only from him but also from other people. When he tells you he’ll hang out with a colleague but later on you find out that such colleague is out of town that night, you must not leave that issue not clarified. Inconsistencies also pop out when he is defensive with his decisions so listen to his justification carefully.

Awkward gestures are possible signs he is cheating. They say that when a person looks to his left when answering, he is constructing images; thus, he is lying to you. Avoiding eye contact and perspiring profusely can also mean the person is lying. Further, when his remarks and facial expression have opposite messages, something’s not right with the situation. He might have started to lose enthusiasm in your relationship when he says “I love you” with a frowning face.

There are symptoms of withdrawal.

Men by nature enjoy physical and emotional closeness. When he stops touching, cuddling and making love, it can be a sign that he’s into someone else. When he stops listening to your stories, laughing at your jokes and sharing his problems, it can imply he’s enjoying another person’s company. But don’t jump into conclusion as they may also indicate fatigue, preoccupation and boredom. However, when he has been acting like that for some time, you must validate your instinct with other signs.

As soon as you encounter signs he is cheating, try to ask yourself if there is something you can do to improve your relationship. Remember that a man cheats not primarily because of lust but because of emotional dissatisfaction. However, if you’ve done everything but still everything went wrong, tell him how the situation makes you uneasy. Then from your conversation, come up with a sound decision.

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Now you can identify the symptoms, look into boyfriend is cheating on me for what you must do next. Occasionally, changing how you treat him can resolve the issue; see how to do that in get him to commit.