Hopefully now you have realized that the consumption of fruit in your diet is of great importance. There has been much coverage in recent years about the miracle fruit you can eat that 'cause you to lose weight "or" live forever ", but these can be difficult to obtain and can be very expensive to buy. What are the super fruit that you or I can buy cheaply at any store (or even grow ourselves for that matter) and what is so great about them?

This little fruit packs a powerful punch in terms of its nutritional value. This wonderful fruit tops the tables based on the amounts of antioxidants they contain. Antioxidants help to reverse the process of oxidation that occurs with our bodies as we age. By increasing the amount of antioxidants in our diets and bodies that can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Blackberries are also high in minerals such as manganese, which help us to maintain a strong framework of bones and prevent osteoporosis. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important to maintain a healthy immune system. They know very well and are good for you too!

We've all seen athletes eating bananas before and during races or sporting events. But why are you eating this fruit instead of something else? This has shown that just two bananas provide the body with enough energy to complete a very physical workout of 90 minutes. There are three types of sugar in a banana (ie, glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber content make them ideal generous for pre, post and during workout snack. Bananas are also a good source of potassium which the body uses to maintain the nervous system, skeletal and heart in the best conditions. The chemicals contained in a banana are also reported to help improve the mood - you can not help but smile when you eat a banana.

Peaches are another great source of antioxidants that helps fight the ravages of time on our bodies. As with most fruits are an excellent source of dietary fiber and with the mild laxative effect that peaches have to keep our digestive system in tune. Dietary fiber helps prevent damage to the mucous membrane of the colon which helps prevent cancer and other diseases to prevent an access point. Peaches are a good source of vitamin C and A. Reports tell us that vitamin A helps prevent cancer in the glands and organs.

These three fruits are inexpensive and readily available in any store and can be easily grown at home. You do not need a huge garden, there are special varieties that have been specifically bred to be grown in containers on the patio or balcony. Now you can have these super fruits just outside the kitchen door to you!

We've only covered some of their wonderful nutritional benefits, but it shows how important it is to have fruit in our diet - Needless to say all that is enjoyed in moderation.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics uding emedies, Nutritional upplements, Nutrition,Slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.