If you think that getting an F in your final dissertation is not an easy task, then you are wrong.
All you need is a little carelessness in the formatting, composing and structuring of your research report and (Voila!) you will achieve an F easily.
Below mentioned are 6 dissertation writing tips that will help you along your way to failure.
1.Work on a research theme that has been done before:
If you are assuming that your work is original because you have not conducted proper research in the field to check past literature, then you are in serious trouble. All your efforts have been futile and your dissertation serves no significance in your chosen field. This will be quite hard to justify and defend in your dissertation defense.
2.Use blogs or online journals as your dissertation reference:
This is a new problem that is being seen in dissertations recently. To Google and use information without proper scrutiny is a surefire way to fail. Remember, blogs and online journals are inauthentic sources for information and are not suitable to be used in a research report.
3.Refer to the references in your dissertation as this academic or all the literature:
The entire point of a research report is to compose one that is original and significant. Using other sources and then not properly acknowledging then can easily lead to an F. Remember; plagiarism is inexcusable in research reports. This also means that generalizations should be strictly avoided. Categorizing the masses with all the academics is a guaranteed turn-off for your research reviewers.
4.Do not compose a proper introduction or conclusion:
The introduction and the conclusion are two of the most important components in a dissertation. If either of these parts are poorly composed or does not accumulate to the proper word count can give a bad impression on your entire thesis. Composing a poor introduction means that you have not done enough research for the dissertation and a poor conclusion signifies that you have nothing substantial to add to the research field which can be quite disappointing for the reviewers after the hard work that has gone in your investigative report.
5.Submit a poorly formatted research report with spelling and grammatical mistakes:
If you think that your reviewers would not be judging the book by its cover, then you are sadly mistaking. Your investigative process may be excellent but if you are writing a dissertation that is not properly composed and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes, then you can never pass. A final year thesis student is expected to have a strong command over report writing. Try not to disrupt that illusion.
6.Work on a large scoped thesis topic:
Time is a restriction for students. The research process must be completed in the designated period. Many students have the error of selecting themes that are too large to be completed in the chosen time which results in a haphazardly completed report which clearly demonstrates a poor theme choice.
In conclusion, if you are set on failing your dissertation then follow the above mentioned tips to help you fasten the process.
Donna Santos is a senior research writer and provides help for dissertation writing and writing a dissertation.Feel free to contact for any sort of help in this regard.
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