Sunless Tanning is the term used to describe the use of a lotion to create the appearance of darker skin, producing a look that is similar to the one that occurs naturally after exposure to UV radiation. The development of sunless tanners has been a long and storied one with many of the earlier versions producing very specific, artificial looking results. However, thanks to advancements in technology, the Sunless Tanning Lotions of today produce very natural looking tans that are difficult to discern from natural tans.

The main benefit to using a sunless tanning lotion over tanning naturally is that there is no need to exposure yourself to the harmful UV rays of the sun or tanning beds. This not only prevents the DNA damage that has been linked to various skin cancers, but also prevents the premature aging that is known to occur with exposure to UV light. In addition, sunless tanning costs significantly less than tanning beds and requires much less time to develop the deep, dark color that most people strive for. Using sunless tanning lotions allow you to control your color and ensure that you get an even tan without tan lines. This is something that is very difficult to accomplish in tanning beds or by exposure to the sun.

Sun Laboratories has it all, from a healthy glow tanned skin to ultra dark Sunless tanning lotions

Sun Labs is the first name in sunless tanning technology and offers the largest variety of sunless tanning products that can offer anyone with any skin type the ability to produce the tan they want. The sunless tanning lotions offered by Sun Labs provides various levels of tanning for women of all skin tones and actually has ingredients that can improve the appearance of your skin. The Sun Labs sunless tanning lotions are 100% safe and healthy for your skin so you won't have to worry about having a reaction to dangerous chemicals.

When applying your sunless tanning lotion, it is important to ensure that your skin is in optimal condition in order to ensure the best results. Start with clean, fresh, exfoliated skin that is well moisturized. Make sure to apply the lotion in even strokes and massage in well. Make sure to go easy on areas thicker skin such as elbows, knees, and hands in order to prevent darker tanning in these areas.

And review the Sun Labs website to understand what the best tone is for you and then select a product designed to work with your skin tone and desired outcome.

So, if you are looking to get a really great tan this summer that will last all year long without the expense and hassle of going to a tanning salon or the worry of skin damage and future cancer due to exposure to dangerous UV radiation, consider taking a look at the sunless tanning lotions offered by Sun Laboratories today and get the tan you want in hours rather than weeks. For more information, please visit

Author's Bio: 

Sun Laboratories is the leading manufacturer and distributor of quality Sunless Tanning Lotion. Visit today to find the perfect lotion for your needs.