Success Working From Home Is Based On The Right Choices! Why Gamble?
Premise: Today more than ever, making the right choice for your home based business will make or break you! After working from home since 1990 full time, I have had a long roller coaster ride with several successful programs until the owners decided otherwise! Sad, but true and those of you who have been around the industry for a while know exactly what I mean! The most difficult choice today is finding the right company the first time and not several programs later! Another sad, but true fact is that most people NEVER take the time to really research their choices as well as who they choose to work with! Another problem is treating your business like a business and NOT a hobby!
History & Trends: In the wellness arena you will always see companies that ride on the coattails of other previously successful companies! Take for instance the "Juice Craze"! It all started with Aloe Juice back in the 80's. Then the Noni Juice came out and was extremely successful! 6 years later we have the Acai and Mangosteen Juices! Today there are many juice products in several companies! What about value? The KEY here is are the products worth the price paid? Doing some research at your local Sam's Club, Costco's, and several other grocery stores has revealed that most are way over priced! Another area is the "Energy Drink Craze"! Now, the latest going around is the "Coffee Drink Craze"! So many competitors in these 3 areas and the prices are to high, it is not worth the effort.
Pretend You're A Customer: This is an extremely important part of choosing the right company the first time!!! This is where so many people make the wrong choice! If you were to pretend you are just a customer only and ask yourself this question: Would I keep buying these products even if there is no income attached to it month after month, year after year? Most people that work a home based business today never even consider what the customer would want instead of simply buying hype about a so called "sizzle" product! Most products today are way over priced and your customer will only stay for a while then drop out, hence lost income! Do you want to continue to replace customers and work the rest of your life or build once for life with huge customer loyalty and reorder rate?
Do you have what it takes to make it? Another major problem I have seen is lack of commitment of time and energy to achieve true wealth working from home!!! It simply amazes me how people say how motivated they are to want to work at home and then do nothing but expect miracles! It is especially prevalent here in the USA more than any other country where I have sponsored people! It has gotten worse over the years and is based on priorities mainly! You MUST decide how much you are willing to commit or don't even waste your time doing it! If you can not call and meet people over the phone, simply keep your day job and forget it!
Why The Wellness Arena? First and foremost is you HAVE to have consumable products IF you want to develop a long term residual income! Not only are wellness products in demand by so many people, but you need to focus on what the majority want and need too! Promote products that people will continue to use by having impact on their lives! Just suppose that many of the products you promote are not only void of toxins, but save people money replacing store bought products with theirs! With our economy so fragile now, people need these products and are looking at ways to save money any way they can!
Why Choose A Company With History? Once of the major problems today is over 95%+ of ALL new companies fail in less than 2 years of operation! The real question is how many times do you want to start over again? One of the major reasons so many home based businesses fail is due to "owner greed" where midstream things get changed! Whether they change the compensation plan, increase product prices, cheapen their products, or simply terminate their distributors for no reason, this has been so prevalent for many years now for new and young companies!
The Right Sponsor (Not Recruiter)! What is the difference between a "Sponsor" and a "Recruiter"? A Sponsor is someone who truly cares about your success and will work with you, support you, and help you to achieve the goals you have set forth for yourself! A Recruiter is simply a person who brings in as many people as he/she can hoping that they find people who need no help to build their business! They offer little if any support since they have no time to work with people due to the fact they over recruit!
Newbie Nightmare! New people joining the home based business industry today have it much worse than years ago due to 1,000's of programs to choose from! It is simply overwhelming to say the least plus so much hype now! You need to take the time to do your homework well and don't just jump into the first program you look at! The major thing to focus on is your "passion" about what you are going to promote! Even though the wellness arena is in my opinion the best area to be in, if you don't care about your health or that of your family, then you will not do well at all! The failure rate is now over 97% in MLM or Network Marketing, so you need to choose wisely, hence my blog to help you!
Multiple Streams Of Income? Should you consider several streams of income while working from home? It is possible to work more than one program, but part timers will have a much more difficult time doing this! The best idea is to stay focused on your primary and possibly add 1 secondary program as long as it is not in the same category as your primary! Personally being full time since 1990 I have 3 major programs I promote, but lead with one only. Make sure you have a system to use to build your programs as well!
Why I refocused my approach today! Patience is not what people have today, they want money yesterday! If they don't make money soon enough, they are "bull frogging" on to the next hot deal! Sad, but so true today! So, in my case, I have to lead with a program that can help people make money much faster, then introduce them to my long term wellness program later! In any long term wellness program you need to commit at least 2-3 years to make the income you desire in order to be full time! The ONLY thing that will speed this up is by bringing in some real players who already know how to market and bring big teams in!
Ok, now what? Now that you have been presented with the facts of what I have learned over the years, what is your next step? Armed with this ammunition, you will now have a much better chance to succeed working from home or simply decide that it is not for you after all! Just remember that you need to decide what your passion is, then choose the right company based on longevity, the right sponsor to work with, and don't jump into the first program you see! Once you start getting contacted by distributors in several companies beware of HYPE and convincing sales people who will try and get you to make a decision right away! Also, make sure the person you choose to work with has a "System" you can take advantage of to bring people into your business! If not, they are not truly serious about their home based business! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
*Thanks so much for you time and much success to you!
Tom Sparrow-CEO
Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc.
248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Skype: tom.sparrow56
Number 1 is my family and family gatherings! I have 2 awesome daughters, one graduated from MSU in nursing on 12/08 and is full time at a big hospital! My other daughter is at college as a senior and plays rugby which I believe now to be the roughest sport there is! 3/10-She made the Michigan All Star team and played in Chicago 4/10!!! Results: They won all of their games and will move up to Tier 1 next year! Congrats girls! Both of my daughters not only did well academically in HS, and excelled in soccer and snow skiing! They were 2 of only 4 girls in the history of the school to go to State Finals in snow skiing! I am very proud of their accomplishments! We scuba dive, snorkel, boat, jet ski, snow ski, snowmobile, and do many outdoor activities together! You can see some of our fun things we do below in the photo section.
My business background is in the next paragraph.
I have been full time in MLM since 1990 and have pretty much seen it all! I have looked at MANY companies and this is the first time in my career that I have found my TRUE HOME for life! I always felt that I wanted to help young companies grow, but unfortunately the owners were short sighted and became greedy and cost me money and my downline! I was almost to the point that I believed that there were no ethical companies out there until NOW!
My new direction is to help everyone succeed! SUCCESS depends on what company you choose for a home based business long term! I should know after 20 years full time! I tried to help a lot of new and young companies grow, but due to greedy owners that cost me my downline time and time again, I had to make a very serious decision about my direction for life! No longer would I ever do a new or young company again, nor would I ever work any of these Compensation Plans: Binary, Breakaway, Unilevel, Hydrids, etc...A Matrix is by far the best for everyone!
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