There are more and more indicatives that we are in the major shift of consciousness!
Look around you and you notice that the old structures are dissolving. It is 5 minutes to 12 and we are called to be active.
Within the next 18 months you should Walk your Talk. Make it happen and your dreams get real! Do you know your dreams and aims? Did you ever write them down?
Now is the time to manage your resources effectively and bring to manifestation whatever you desire! You have to deal with money, resources and the Earth.
Our Earth is changing and we have to change with her. The Earth is in turmoil because we humans exploit and abuse her and did show a lack of respect for Mother Earth during the last centuries. Once, when we decided to live on earth, we were full of love and enthusiasm for this beautiful planet. Then we were taught to subdue the earth. Meanwhile we have reached a point where we have more problems than solutions. This we experienced with the disaster of March 2011, Fukushima and the problems still continue.
Now, however, we still have little time to change and have the chance to live our life more consciously. We can change together with the earth and there is no need to be afraid. Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are active. They help us to wake up, to raise our consciousness so that we realize and change our attitude towards our Mother Earth and perceive her as living being. She is going through a planetary incarnation, emotions, and a planetary development plan. This development plan is more complex than that of human beings. However, we have the chance of a lifetime to move forward in the history of humanity to raise our consciousness and to live from the heart. This means listening to your inner voice and in this way you will follow your heart.
You are a part of everything you see and you have the opportunity to live in harmony with creation. Unfortunately what is happening at present is that humans are trying to tamper with our planet without realizing what the outcomes could be.
Watching what happens is no longer working. I you try to be passive you will be forced to get active. Do not fall into misery and believe that others are responsible for where you are right now.
Our Planet is highly worthy and spiritual to be respected by her inhabitants. My, My, My is over. Now it is WE! Believe that you are part of the infinite source we call God, Universe, Allah etc. And as you are part of it you have the power to create things. Your thoughts create your reality! Take responsibility for your Thought, Feelings and Actions as it is You and not somebody else who creates Your Reality!!
Merge spirit and matter. This is the powerful time to get over you. Now we are here to share. Move out into the WE and step out of your daily realities. It is time to research.
Here is your Mantra:
“It is time to let go of my petty concern.
Time to bow down, listen and learn.
To feel my body, my instinctive longing and
unite with the other to continue evolving”!
Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton and for marketing Chris Cardell and Michael Gerber.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with 2 other ladies to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business or improve their business in a rapid changing market.
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