Stopping debt harassment isn’t always easy. Some states don’t have debt harassment laws that apply to original creditors. There are tons of scam companies out there acting like they are debt collectors, when they’re not. There are just as many companies that are legitimate collectors, but who are new and hard to locate. The best weapon that attorneys have to put a stop to collection harassment is information. That is where you come into play.

Many consumers are so fed up with collection calls that they just stop answering the phone, or sometimes turn off the phone altogether. If a company is calling you three times a day to collect a debt they are breaking the law. Instead of running from these calls, you should be writing them down, recording the date, time, and number that called. You should not be afraid to answer the phone and ask questions. Find out what the debt is for, who the original creditor is, and how much you owe.

Sometimes the collector will leave a message. If they leave a message and don’t identify the name of their company or they fail to give the mini-miranda and indicate that this call is from a debt collector, and you save this message, you’ve already nailed the company and you have the proof to take them down.

The FDCPA doesn’t apply to original creditors, but some states, like California, have their own debt collection laws. You should be tracking these calls as well. I have heard many debtors tell me that they received letters from debt collectors, but that they don’t have them anymore. Save the letters, sometimes debt collectors will break the law by writing a letter that violates the harassment laws.

I had one client who has received over $10,000 dollars from debt collectors simply because they kept track of the phone calls, saved the recorded messages, had all the letters, and were able to provide all the information needed to put a stop to debt collection harassment in their lives. Save your information and call an attorney. has a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals from the field of consumer law and has handled more than 30,000 consumer actions (Debt Collection Laws) with over 98 percent of these cases being amicably resolved without the need for trial.

Author's Bio: has a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals from the field of consumer law and has handled more than 30,000 consumer actions (Debt Collection Laws) with over 98 percent of these cases being amicably resolved without the need for trial.