Stop comparing you with others
: By Yogesh Vermani
Comparison should be a source of inspiration not inferiority. Let me explain the same through some examples:
1. You see someone having good communication and you start comparing your communication with his communication level and feel inferior, you immediately start cursing, blaming your atmosphere, parents and teachers.
Another approach could be you think that this person must have worked hard on his communication to attain this level. So why can I not do this?
By seeing someone you can remind yourself about your own potential. But be careful you may have flair for singing instead of communication. So you need not copy, simply recognize you also have capability to excel in life by developing your own talent.
But choice is always yours whether you take first option or later one.
2. You have a friend having good physique and energy level. You compare yourself with him and start thinking you are fragile, have a big tummy and start feeling inferior.
Second approach could be that the friend becomes a source of inspiration; you realize that this person must have been working day in day out to have this physique and energy level.
Just think honestly you should thank this person or feel jealous of him.
3. You have a colleague doing exceptionally well in job, gets promotions and ap-preciations time to time; you compare yourself with him and tell yourself he gets better salary than I get, he is smarter than I am
and he can grow faster in his career than I can and so on. This way you are barely sabotaging your own confidence level.
In this case best approach is to analyze what is so special about this colleague and ponder:
1. Do you really work hard as he does?
2. Do you also work on communication and other skills development as he does?
3. Do you complete your work on time or in time and ensure quality as he does?

If you analyze sincerely, you will find that you have some lack or carelessness in your work or attitude. Once you understand lack, you will surely work towards that.

Comparison as source of inspiration –Action points:
1. Stop comparing yourself in negative manner and understand if you have passion and flair for something, you can also be good in a particular field.
2. Take comparison as a source of inspiration and develop your confidence accor-dingly.
3. Remember you are not here to live someone else’s life. But if you love some-one’s life you may follow person’s footprints to create your own way.

Author's Bio: 

bout Author:
Yogesh is working as spoken English and career development trainer. He helps job seekers and working professional to develop Spoken English,good communication and other soft skills like confidence, time management, Interview skills etc. His articles on communication, career and personality development have been read by more than 80000 people online. He is writer of “Speak English Like a Star” (A book meant for beginners of English).
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