Though the most important factor for a trader is to develop expertise knowledge in bringing home money from the financial markets, managing the money is also equally important. With a robust money management strategy, it will be manifold easier to manage the trading accounts. After the long years of recession and dangerously fluctuating values of stock, majority of people have moved out of the market or gave up the idea of investing in the new stock markets. Thus, the flourishing markets have to undergo extreme challenges and crisis to overcome the hard times.

Money management the key factor to balance accounts:

As assessed by Chris Conkey of Manulife Asset Management, the Canadian and emerging stock markets are expected to outperform the U.S equities over the time span of upcoming three to five years, with the expanding of the Chinese middle class drive commodity demand.

The standardized as well as the poor TSX Composite Index will fluctuate to around 7.5% or 8.5% a year concluding dividends, 0.5 percentage point more compared to the S and P 500. The economic experts suggest the US$60-billion to be the major investment officer for the global equity funds at the unit of Canada’s largest insurer, Manulife Financial Corp. He further guesses that the MSCI Emerging Market Index might fluctuate to 10% or 11% in US dollars.

Forecasts by Conkey:

Conkey, being based in Boston suggests in an interview at Toronto, that by assuming the challenges imposed by inflation upon the flourishing markets, one can still hope that these stock markets will outperform noticeably in the long run on a cumulative basis. He further states that there are several material structural headwinds being found in Europe and they are still in the United States.

The stocks will continue outperforming the bonds and cash, though the interest rates might go up in 2011 and further. The Energy and stocks of raw materials account for about 48% of the Canadian value stocks, helping the S and P/ TSX outperform its counterpart U.S for about seven straight years.The S&P 500 outgained the S&P/TSX 6% to 1.6% this year through yesterday. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index slipped 0.9% after doubling over the previous two years. Thus, out of control, inflation is not expected in the upcoming years, and USA, Germany and Brazil are expected to outperform Japan, Spain and China in the near future. Thus, put ample effort to research before investing in stock.

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