It is such a shame that we hardly know our country. We can easily talk and crib about the corrupt politicians or the mal-functioning of the government, what we fail to realize is, with some rights given to us, we also have some responsibilities towards our country. We often forget them and put all the blame on the government, but we are equal culprits. If we have a problem with the system, we need to voice our opinion. It must be noted that, voicing our opinion does not mean resorting to violent ways. We can take part in healthy protests or public discussions for redressed of our grievances. However, all this requires, a good knowledge of the current affairs taking place around us. In order to act towards a problem, we need to find the root cause of the problem which we can only know if we have a high level of general knowledge.

These days, we have ample access to current affairs. There is the internet, the hub of all social activity or the newspapers, the main carrier of information. Also, there is the television in every household where you can watch many incidents live. There are numerous quiz books, which contain all the general knowledge questions of every year, like 2012 quiz book would contain question answers on all the important events that took place that year. With such kind of exposure, it is hardly possible that one stays aloof from the current happenings taking place around him/her. You can become much aware with such a vast treasure of knowledge and take part in public gatherings. Due to current affairs, our consciousness level has increased and we have become less vulnerable to unpredictable dangers. Also, by staying in touch with current affairs, one can make a point in any social gathering and gain support. Lack of such knowledge will only make you look like a fool. Current affairs also have a creative impact on you, as they lead you to intellectual development which further helps you develop creative ideas.

Therefore, staying in touch with current affairs will not do you any harm. On the contrary, it will only lead to your growth and ensure your goodwill. Having a sound knowledge of the current affairs will make you a more knowledgeable and aware person. The closer connection you have with the world, the safer you will be. Lack of general knowledge can often mislead you and make you a victim.

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