Squeeze pages are an essential part of the online sales process. Every serious internet marketer uses them, for one simple reason … they work!

What’s a Squeeze Page?
They are tools for capturing the name and email address of potential customers (leads). You see them all the time, even though you might not even know what they are – those short forms that pop up and ask you to subscribe to something like web site updates or a monthly newsletter. They might also appear a separate web page filed with information about a product or service, which includes a form to optin for more details or to receive a free gift. Basically, anytime you see someone asking for you email address, you can be sure that they are employing some form of list gathering process, presumably for marketing purposes.

However they are designed, all squeeze pages serve 2 basic functions:
1. Capture the email address of a potential customer
2. Funnel that potential customer into some kind of sales process.

Capturing that email address is not always easy these days. If you want someone to give up their email to you, then you’ve got to make it worth the (spam) risk for them. One of the best ways to do it is to give away something free, like:
- a newsletter (“eZine” is a more popular term now)
- a free report
- a free trial
- access to a webinar or video series
- etc. etc. …

What To Do Next?
Getting that coveted email address is step one. Step two, the most important step, involves what you do with it. The next step after collecting that lead is to either:
1. Forward them directly to a page with an offer (called a “One Time Offer”)
2. Channel them through a series of auto responder emails to presell then on your product or service
3. or Both!

( I’ll give more insight into the automatic responders in another article in this series …)

You’ve got that email address! Congratulations! If you do attempt to pitch them with a One Time Offer right away, it’s always best not to be too pushy. You don’t want to drive them to unsubscribe before you’ve even had a chance to take them through your well-crafted pre-selling process.

Remember, the most important thing is that you are building a list of qualified potential customers. Collecting names is the easy part though. The next step, the pre-selling series of automatic emails that you send out to them is the thing that will make or break you. Unfortunately, this is where so many people, even highly experienced internet marketer, come up short and fail.

In my next article, I’ll go through some important tips for successful email list management … http://www.myfusionhqreview.com/email-list-management

Author's Bio: 

Mike Deslippe is a published author and internet marketer who uses Fusion HQ to manage many of the steps in his successful online business. For more info and online marketing tips, visit his website, http://www.myfusionhqreview.com