Physical therapy services incorporate widely accepted treatment procedures to lessen body pain and enhance muscle strength/stability. There are many specific conditions that can be treated with physical therapy. Non-surgical programs such as massage, therapeutic exercises, electrical stimulations, heat/cold packs, traction and ultrasound play a key role in physical therapy treatment. Post-surgical care and rehabilitation are also considered as part of physical therapy services. Physical therapy enables the patient to:

  • Reduce muscle spasm and inflammation
  • Increase range of motion and flexibility
  • Enhance physical strength, endurance and mobility
  • Correct posture and body mechanics
  • Prevent further injuries or disabilities

Physical Therapy Programs for Specific Health Conditions

  • Neurological physical therapy –Neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, cerebral palsy, sciatica, spinal stenosis, vestibular disorder and Guillain-Barre Syndrome cause mobility problems and serious functional impairment. Neurological physical therapy helps patients regain freedom of movement and muscle strength gradually.
  • Orthopedic physical therapy – This is a specialized field of physical therapy that helps to treat trauma injuries, osteoarthritis, hip disorders, knee pain and other physical disabilities. At the same time, physical therapy treatment is recommended to rehabilitate patients after orthopedic surgery, amputations, sports injuries and arthritis. Orthopedic physical therapists also teach how to prevent injuries and falls.
  • Geriatric physical therapy – This specific therapy focuses on problems with aging. Some health conditions often included in geriatric physical therapy are arthritis, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, cancer, balance disorders, hip and joint replacement and incontinence. Therefore treatment is planned to increase mobility, minimize pain and make the body healthier.
  • Massage therapy – Massage therapy is advised to increase blood circulation to enhance the healing process. As more nutrients are supplied to the tissues, they gain more immunity and recuperative power. Stiffness of the muscles and joints can be reduced and body pain alleviated by massage therapy. Health problems related to the spine, lower back, muscles, joints and tendons are addressed effectively using this therapy.
  • Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation therapy –Those people susceptible to heart attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis take advantage of this therapy to improve functional independence and body stability.
  • Pediatric physical therapy – Sometimes, physical therapy is recommended for children and youngsters having congenital diseases. This specialized physical therapy helps to achieve coordinated body movement, strength and cognitive integration.

Moreover, patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, scoliosis, tendonitis, repetitive motion disorders, fibromyalgia and neck pain also benefit from specific physical therapy programs.

Where to Undergo Physical Therapy Treatment

A reputable pain management center offering the services of dedicated physical therapists, chiropractors, neurologists, and caring support staff ensures excellent and effective treatment. You are ensured personalized care and treatment using advanced treatment modalities in a private environment. Physical therapy treatment provided at a reliable healthcare center will help you manage pain effectively and get back to your normal lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

HealthQuest is a multi-specialty healthcare center which offers a comprehensive range of basic and advanced physical therapy services here in Brooklyn, New York City. We treat all types of musculoskeletal disorders to give you quick relief from pain and discomfort.