As a wedding planner, I found out directly myself how stressful planning a wedding can be. When I went to plan my own wedding, I thought it would be no problem but found even though I am in the business there are still some guidelines that need to be followed to create a successful wedding or special event. Thus, what I thought I would do is share some wedding planning tips with you to help relieve some of the party planning strains you may have on your special day. These helpful hints work for either a wedding or any other special event you may host with the help of Event Production Company.

Tips You Should Keep In Mind For Wedding Planning

If you take photos or have a professional photographer, prior to the event, create a short list of important memories you want from that day. Remember it's a live event and you only get one take.

Create a timeline and be as exact as possible to ensure you have all aspects of your event in place prior to the start time.

Confirm your vendors 48 hours in advance. Don't try and call them that day or the day before when you are still pulling together some last minute details.

Don't be a hero and try and expect to do everything that day. It's okay to ask your husband to be or a friend to help out if they can.

Have a second pair of shows handy near where you are sitting. You will be amazed how your dream wedding shoes can all of a sudden become uncomfortable.

If you are wearing your hair up, make sure the hairdo is not too tight or you will have such a headache!

EAT! Don't forget to eat, enjoy your wedding meal especially the cake.

Go with the flow, something always seems to happen, just don't worry and have fun!

Be in the moment. Focus on what is going on in the now and don't worry about the water or what could have been.

Any wedding planner will tell you that it is very important to enjoy the day since it only comes once (hopefully!). Also, remember to breathe and drink plenty of water. On your day, it is important that you think about yourself and not worry about your guests! Until next time, remember the Budget Bash mantra: make it simple, stylish, fun and economical to all!

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