ARE YOU A retiree who is looking for something intriguing and fun to do, while making extra money? If your answer is yes, you are not alone.
In fact, most older employees (65 percent) recently told researchers they would like to have some form of work in their retirement, according to a 2011 Harris Interactive survey of 1,001 people age 55 and older commissioned by Sun America.
Interestingly, of those surveyed few said they want full time work; only 4 percent told Harris researchers they want to work full time in retirement. Some 25 percent said they want to work part time in retirement, and 36 percent would rather to go back and forth between work and leisure, reports Dave Bernard for U.S. News.
If you find yourself looking for either full or part time activity to keep your brain active, while making some extra money, consider speaking before groups of pre and post-retirees about successful retirement ideas. A popular way to get started is speaking before a local organization or club, with a well researched book or report to sell at the back of the room.
Building a Speech
With retirement a good topic to address (it should be, since baby boomers are starting to retire in large numbers), here are three important retirement questions that you could write a speech around:
-- Why are some people more ready for retirement than others?
-- Are there any specific issues that most people overlook when considering retirement?
-- Why is the idea of retirement difficult for some, and easy for others?
Any speakers who are fast on their feet with answers to questions like these should impress their audience. To prepare to speak before a group, here is some quick help in preparing your cheat sheet (or talking points) for your speech on making retirement easy, focusing on several or all of these questions.
Who really IS ready for retirement?
People who help or coach others to prepare for retirement often introduce some of the following issues to see if the people they are working with are retirement-ready:
--Do you believe your financial support plan covers you appropriately for the years ahead?
--Do you have other plans for your retirement (how you will spend your time)?
--Do you exercise for 20 minutes without a break at least three times a week?
All are appropriate questions, and even more like them come from The Retirement Readiness Assessment sponsored by My Next Phase. I took the online quiz and actually learned a few things about retirement readiness, so I challenge you to take it, too.
So, what appears to be some over-looked retirement issues?
While people who are retiring are typically advised to take stock of their financial resources, they don't always consider their psychological resources, says Nancy Schlossberg, Professor Emerita of Education at the University of Maryland.
Consider Psychological Resources
Dr. Schlossberg has written extensively about retirement planning, noting that many baby boomers "didn't realize what was at stake when they left their jobs. They didn't think about things like how to structure their lives, their time, and how they might matter to others."
This researcher tells About Senior Living editor Shannon O'Brien that identity is key. "...when someone can say, for example, "I'm a professor," that's one thing, but when that identity is no longer there, it can be quite upsetting. It can take time to figure out a new identity."
Now, moving on to...
Why is retirement hard for some, and easier for others?
As a retirement blogger and author, I do not see this question asked often enough, and it is a good one. "Jacob" who blogs for Early Retirement Extremes, notes that how people approach personal finance makes a true difference, distinguishing why some people retire easier than others.
According to this "extreme" blogger: "To get ahead, you must either press the accelerator harder or ease on the brake. Apparently lots of people are not fully aware of just how hard they're flooring the brake.
"Therefore try this exercise. Every time you touch something [that you are considering for purchase], ask yourself whether this item has accelerated your income or whether it has decreased your savings."
Any other important, last-minute tips?
A WEALTH OF RETIREMENT information is found online just by searching with the major browsers. I suggest taking a look at Investopedia, a particularly helpful site filled with many sophisticated ideas for soon-to-be retirees. Here is one of its many last-minute retirement tips:
Establish a Cash Emergency Fund to get you through the hard times. "It acts as a safety net in case something expensive or unplanned happens, such as medical expenses, market downturns or expensive home maintenance issues, just to name a few."
In fact, retirees are often advised to have three to six months of emergency cash reserves available separate from their investment portfolio.
In normal economic times, this may be okay, but if the economic downturns, and the retiree is living off savings then it would help to add 12 to 18 months of cash to the investment portfolio to allow bonds and stocks to recover during bad times, according to Investopedia.
Are you ready for your retirement speech?
With this information in hand, and your additional research, you should keep the attention of your audience. (Be sure to have your well-researched book or report ready to sell, and business cards to hand out.)
To arrange for Susan Klopfer to speak to your organization on successful retirement, contact her at
Susan Klopfer, author, speaker and blogger writes on retirement and also civil rights and diversity issues. Klopfer is an award-winning journalist and former acquisitions and development editor for Prentice Hall. Her computer book, "Abort, Retry, Fail!" was an alternate selection by the Book of-the-Month Club. She is a soon-to-be expat (who plans to move to Cuenca, Ecuador this fall).
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