Many workers have been using the same computer system for some years now and seen it slowing down, as well as having difficulty loading several programs at once. Eventually, the machine will become filled up with useless programs and old documents that are never opened.

Consequently, even basic requirements such as running two programs side-by-side can cause a significant slowdown, as well as causing overheating within the machine, which may lead to unfixable damage.

You can prevent any harm to your machine by following these simple tips that can be implemented in a cheap, quick and effective way that requires little technical know-how. Below are's top tips for ensuring that your office computer is working at its best:

1. Portable hard drive - Regardless of what work is being completed in the office, it is extremely important to backup all documents and sensitive data in case a driver fails. With an external hard drive, this is easily achievable as they are sold cheaply and offer more than enough space. This hardware is the perfect way to store a number of documents for use on other computers in the future.

2. Purchase a second router. The majority of companies today utilise online services; whether they are writing online or trading, the internet has become a vital part of many businesses. This can create a number of connections on a single piece of hardware, which leads to a decrease in speed. By using two routers, you can afford yourself faster internet, greater security, a backup (if one router malfunctions) and increase wireless network reach.

3. Remove/uninstall older files and de-fragment the drives - Some office workers may need to install programs that are for a single use and never again opened. Some programs will automatically set themselves to opening as soon as the computer boots, taking up valuable processor speed and RAM - you can, however, disable these at start-up or simply uninstall them. Simply open the Start bar -> Control Panel -> Uninstall, or for stopping programs opening at start-up, press the windows key and R, type in msconfig.exe, navigate to the start up tab and un-tick programs that are not needed.

4. You may want to have a central hub. Nine times out of ten computers will run slowly due to insufficient memory, so it could be a good idea to have central computer and then connect this to the individual computers. This central computer would then have all the memory that you need and it would be more powerful and effective. You could then connect to the central computer by using a tablet device, e.g. an iPad. And then you could look into buying a iPad 3 stand which can help you to work on the iPad much easier.

5. Organise the desktop screen, much like a real desk. You will be able to work a lot better if you keep it tidy and clear. Keep your folders organised - you could also sort them with dated folder. This will not produce a great speed increase for your computer but it will make organising and checking files and documents a lot simpler.

6. Using the latest Operating Systems. Whilst this may be expensive, there are a number of advantages to using the newest operating system. As computing is all about advancements, a new operating system is a great way to stay ahead of the game and ensure that you can run every piece of software.

There are an array of ways to increase the speed of computers - some of which are easier and cheaper to implement; however these are a great way to make work simpler and positively influence productivity.

Author's Bio: 

iPad 3 stand - First and foremost, writing is something I have always shown a natural flair for and I have been quick to learn a range of writing techniques. I am known for writing excellent online content for websites as well as crafting creative content. I also work closely with technical and administrative teams as part of my role.