The most important weapon in a hitter's arsenal of skills will be the hitter's timing to match the pitch that is being thrown. This will be the factor in hitting a home-run or getting strike out in the game, which is also part of the reason there is always a warm-up area for the hitter to practice a few swings, while observing the pitchers throwing style. Softball Hitting lessons Portland already knows how important the timing is and will teach your child how to match the timing during game time.

Softball Pitching Lessons Portland teaches your child how to change the flow of the game, by confusing the hitter using different pitching speeds. After throwing fast balls at the hitter, the timing of your pitchers will be recorded down and they will be making an effort to latch onto that timing. A slow ball thrown at this time will cause the hitter to swing early and miss. It will also confuse the player making him forget about the previous pitches and mistime the timing of your fast balls. This destroys the hitters timing, and it makes the job of striking out that hitter a very simple task.

While the goals of both Softball Hitting lessons and Softball Pitching lessons are different. They will help your child understand how important the timing of Softball Hitting is. Sending your child to Softball Hitting lessons will prepare your child, when a pitcher is trying to mess up the timing of the swing. These lessons will teach the child, to pitch different types of balls, to confuse the hitter and destroy their timing as well. Once your child knows how to mix up the timings of his pitches, any timing that the hitter thinks he has remembered will go out the window. This only leaves the option of reacting to the pitch and swinging in hopes it connects.

Author's Bio: 

The Bat Company is the premier place for Softball
Hitting Lesson Portland
. TBC also offers the best Softball
Pitching Lesson Portland
. Our goal is have your child get the most out of
their Softball Hitting Lessons and Softball
Pitching Lessons