Social Media Marketing combines internet marketing with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube, Digg, etc. SMM goals differ for every business or an organization but commonly include some idea or some form of viral growth to increase the brand awareness, increase online visibility, and sell more products and services. SMM may also include reputation management.

Social Media Marketing can considered an indirect method of Internet Marketing. It is a multi-faceted approach which uses all the tactics of internet marketing and promotes your business using all social media channels. Traditional marketing focuses mainly on creating immediate sales, whereas SMM is focused more on long-term brand awareness. Social Media Marketing has the same goals as the Search Engine Optimization but the means to the end differ. Extensive participation in social media site forums is one important SMM technique. Most of the sites have a separate advertising section where firms can place paid ads, so the idea behind participating in forums is to establish yourself as an industry or subject expert.

Three tips to keep in mind are Communication, Collaboration and Entertainment.

Marketing is all about building relations with industry partners and relationships start with communication. Content in the form of blogs, audio, video, comparisons, reviews, tweets and messages help to share information in a less formal way that builds knowledge and confidence and ultimately influence decision-making. Furthermore, content today is no longer just text. Small businesses can use audio or video content to create a much more effective "show" and "tell me" package involving interactive communications.

Small firms can also undertake collaboration by joining communities or by creating their own communities. Creating communities allows businesses to connect to their targeted customers, and furthermore this type of collaboration typically results in increased sales.

The main reason why social networking is used by people in such large numbers is because it is fun! Small businesses owners need to be where there targeted customers are, and in today’s world most people are entertaining themselves on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.

By outsourcing your social media marketing, you can make sure your business will not be left behind in the Social Media Marketing revolution that is changing the way businesses around the world work today. Get on board and ride the social media wave to success for your business!

Author's Bio: 

The author is a Journalist in Profession and has written many articles regarding Online Marketing and Social Media Marketing.