Ever wonder what the best skin care products really are to firm your skin and prevent wrinkles? If you've ever stood in front of shelf after shelf of moisturizers and feel your eyes glaze over, I get it.

And if you're like me, you've probably wondered what the best skin care products are and what factors make them better.

Well, about three years ago, I started researching skin care products and the beauty industry. My goal was to see if there was a difference in those creams and which ones were the best.

Well this is what I found. First, the major brands are not that different from each other. Surprised? Here's the deal, you have to compare the labels to see what happens to them. And all major brands have many of the same ingredients. Many of them use mineral oil as a filler and parabens as preservatives. Mineral oil is a cheap base that suffocates your skin, and parabens keep your cream from going rancid, but they have been linked to cancer. Neither will help prevent wrinkles or hydrate the skin.

The other thing to keep in mind about big brands is that a lot of their money goes to advertising and marketing, not ingredients. Essentially, you pay more for the spokesperson model than for the anti-wrinkle agents you want.

So as a smart consumer, you want to find products that soften your skin and prevent it from sagging. To find the best skin care products, you will have to look beyond the shelves of department stores.

Your best option to firm and smooth your skin is to look for a product with many antioxidants to combat environmental damage and premature aging. You should also increase collagen and elastin cells. http://www.magicskinrepair.com/

But skip the collagen-enriched creams in the store. Studies have shown that your body cannot absorb collagen when applied to your skin. The particles are too big. But your body can be asked to make more collagen with the right ingredients.

Your best skincare products will have ingredients like Cynergy TK and Active Manuka Honey, both of which are proven to stimulate more collagen and elastin cells that will keep your skin firm and smooth.

Author's Bio: 

Choosing a face cream can be a difficult task. Skincare is big business today.