If you are suffering from sinus related pressure, you should know that this could lead to a sinus infection as mucus will accumulate and stagnate the sinus cavity. Therefore, it is important to know the sinus pressure symptoms as this can easily mimic the symptoms of other ailments. For example, if you are having a bout of cold, you may also experience headache and nasal congestion. You should consider the fact that sinus type pressure can prelude or associate itself to other health conditions such as green snot, sinus infections and the likes. That is why it is important to learn about the sinus pressure symptoms to determine if it is related to sinusitis or sinus infection.

Common Sinus Pressure Symptoms:

* Low fever with nasal congestion
* Postnasal drip
* Persistent cold-like symptoms
* Headache
* Impaired sense of smell and stuffy nose
* Swollen eyelids
* Bad breath
* Dragging sensation and bad coughing

A typical case of sinus related pressure does not need to have all these symptoms. Take note that this is not an all-inclusive list so having a few of these symptoms can already be related to a sinus pressure. In some severe cases, sinus pressure symptoms may include pus-like nasal secretions, vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. In addition, sinus pressure symptoms are often related to the area where the infection is occurring. Here are the most common symptoms in relation to the affected sinus:

* Frontal Sinuses - these are located above your eye sockets and in your forehead. Symptoms of infection in the frontal sinuses include pain in the forehead and sensitivity, tenderness of the forehead even to the slightest touch, discomfort, and sensitivity of the eyes to light.
* Ethmoid Sinuses - these sinuses are located in-between the eyes and near your tear glands. Symptoms of an Ethmoid sinus infection include pain within the eye area and sensitivity, loss of smell, and swollen eyelids.
* Maxillary Sinuses - located on the hollow spaces right above your teeth and upper jaw. Infection of these may pose symptoms such as tenderness and pain in the area of your upper jaw and tenderness of the cheeks on slight pressure.
* Sphenoid Sinuses - these sinuses are located in the head's lower center. Although infections here are a rare case, you may experience acute pain in the neck and chin as well as severe headache.

Not all of these symptoms should be present to determine that you are suffering from sinusitis or sinus pressure. However, you should know that if any of these sinus pressure symptoms persist, then it is best to consult your physician for medications in order to prevent complications.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie is main contributor and co-creator of the new Sinusitis info based web-site: http://natural-sinus-relief.com. Get lots more info there on Sinus Pressure Symptoms and also check out our free 10-part mini-eCourse, “Natural Secrets to Effective Sinus Relief”, it might be all you’ll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)