"Simplicity is the ultimate in sophistication." -Leonardo DaVinci

I have been doing a lot of self coaching with myself recently on what I think and what my priorities are on the idea of simplicity. I want my life to be simple in the way that I want it to be simple to me. I want to clear both my my mind and my environment to a state of simplicity I want to make space for new ideas and a path to what I like to call Power Flow. This has been a journey of mine for the past five years and I am still cleaning out, letting go and simplifying.

Why is so much of my life so complicated? Why do I have so much stuff that I rarely use, but that takes up space in my home. Why do I take on additional projects when the ones I am working on are not totally complete. There must be a reason. I know that I am a work in progress, could that be it?

But what if it isn't?

What if that is just a belief that is no longer my own?

What if life really is just like kindergarten?

Could it be?

Eat only when you are hungry.

Be kind, courteous, and say thank you!

Spend less than you earn.

Help people.

Love your family. Love YOURSELF.

Less is more.

Simple means appreciating what I have at every moment and actually being with it.

Less mind twisting. Less crazy goals. Less to do's that really don't go anywhere.

The Ego in me doesn't like this. The Ego tells me I need more. The Ego tells me who do you think you are to slow down and actually smell the roses. Taking time to go dig in the dirt and pull weeds for an hour or so during the middle of the week!

But my soul loves it. Looking out the window at the Nature that has nowhere to go and nothing to do- living a full and inspired life.

Seeds are planted. Rain has come. The Harvest will also come when it is ready. For now...I am the creator of my own life and the artist of my soul. It FEELS good and simple really does feel really really good.

Author's Bio: 

Anita G. Wheeler is the CEO of Anita G. Wheeler International, LLC, an exclusive company committed to empowering entrepreneurs and solopreneurs in launching wealth-building businesses based on their unique talents and passion. She is a master coach for business owners and corporations. She is also a passionate entrepreneur with numerous successful businesses over the past 20 years. Anita has been named one of Atlanta's Top Ten Women Entrepreneurs.

Her creative programs include Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs, Millionaire Mindset Vision Day, Teleseminars, Live Events and One-on-One "Premier" Coaching with Exclusive Clients. She is the author of the book "The Law of Attraction is NOT a Secret" and the E-Book "How to Use the Law of Attraction."

Anita resides in North Georgia on a farm and is an avid gardener, animal lover and luxury marketing Real Estate Broker.