These days as the World wide web and other networks are very much developed, computer viruses are circulated quickly and intensively. Each day numerous new viruses capable of damaging your computer system arise. Anti-virus experts work hard to produce updates to their software to guard against the new viruses the moment they can. The virus can get inside the computer in different ways. That is why there is no simple approach to safeguard your system. Only a series of measures could potentially provide you with consistent defense from the virus. Below are a few of the methods that I've utilized.

1. Make regular backups. It ought to be said that there is no absolute safe way of protection. Virus creators frequently find holes in new PC products to use them for the infection of PC systems. Some dangerous viruses can considerably damage data files and even erase the whole file system. Make regular backups of your data files to a totally separate file storage piece of equipment. It could be a separate hard drive, flash card, compact disc or another file storage device of your choice. To make the process easier use some automatic backup software. By doing that you will be prepared if the system should die due to a virus infection.

2. Be prepared to reinstall your system if it dies as a consequence of viruses. Get distributives of the operating system and distributives of the software which you utilize and keep them all together such as, on a set of CDs nearby from you. If a virus infection causes unrecoverable system failure it is easy to quickly reinstall the working medium.

3. Protect your network connection with a Firewall. Firewall is a software that blocks suspicious connections, thus stopping viruses from the network penetrating into your system. Windows XP system has quit a straightforward but trustworthy built-in firewall. It is possible to enable it as follows. 1) In your Control Panel, double-click Networking and Internet Connections, after which click Network Connections. 2) Right-click the link on which you'd plan to enable firewall, and then click Properties. 3) On the Advanced tab, check the option to Protect my computer and network. Should you want a more flexible control of connections which has a network you can get and install a more complex firewall software like Norton Personal Firewall or Outpost Firewall. Should you use this software you will have the ability to allow or to stop certain connections and also to monitor network activity.

4. Install antivirus software that will scan your system, searching and eradicating viruses on a recurring footing. Leaders in antivirus software products for Windows systems are Norton Antivirus, McAfee, Kaspersky Anti-Virus and PC-cilin.

5. Frequently update your operating system. Windows XP has a built-in automated update service. It frequently contacts the Microsoft server to locate updates and notifies everyone if updates are ready for being installed. Updates are valuable because hackers consistently find holes in the operating system which may be utilized by virus creators.

6. Never install and don't run suspicious software. Check fresh programs which you might be going to install with anti-virus software. Do not download software from suspicious websites. Before you download any software always seek website of software creator or official distributor. Do not, under any situation, open applications received by email from unknown people.

7. Limit access to your computer. Safeguard entry to your system by means of a password.

8. If you use Internet Explorer, consider moving to a newer browser. As IE is by far the most distributed browser at the moment, virus creators actively use flaws in it’s security system to infect computer systems. An infection may arise at any time you visit a web page which contains invisible dangerous code. You are usually a lot more safe if you use less known browsers because virus creators donot pay much attention to it. Major IE competitors like Firefox and Opera browsers now offer identical interface and range of services for working on the Net.

9. Use spam protection. Viruses are spread via email. Switch on spam filters inside your email box to block receiving spam. Should you need support with the use of these filters it is possible to ask your email service provider.

When trying to safeguard your work from a virus, it is important to use the best anti-virus software that you can.Hopefully I have given you an insight toward what is involved. There are actually lots of ebooks and such material that you can find around the the web. I always go to a company called computer repair london. They don't just repair desktops, additionally provide IT support with thier company IT support london as well and they are always helpfull should you get baffled on something.

Author's Bio: 

I have been heavily involved in the property business for over twenty years. My work ranges from gardening, electrics and diy. Gasically I can turn my hand to pretty much anything.