Do not think that the only way to remove moles is to undergo surgery. You will be surprised to learn that you can remove moles easily, even at home. For some people, moles serve as identification marks, especially when they have appeared since birth.

Moles are caused by genetic and environmental factors, among others. Jobs that include excessive exposure to the sun often lead to the uncontrollable development of melanoma and moles. If your parents or close relatives have a lot of moles, it would come as no surprise, if you too have moles all over your body. Mole formation can be influenced hugely by heredity. When there is excessive proliferation of pigment cells or melanocytes, it results in the formation of moles. You may have noticed pregnant women having more moles than usual. This indicates a relationship between mole formation and hormonal activity in the body. During puberty, where hormonal changes are at their peak, moles are likely to develop.

If the moles enhance the beauty of your face, then there is no problem and you will not need to find ways to remove it. If they are positioned wrongly, then you may apply some home remedies. Formation of moles can be prevented by applying Vaseline over the face, neck or other regions that are exposed to sun light. If you do this application regularly, the proliferation of moles will be hindered.

You might want to find out as to 'how to remove a mole'? Did you know moles can be removed by coriander? It is so easy to do. Grind coriander seeds into something resembling a paste. Applying this paste on the moles regularly will help you to remove them completely in a few months.

Flaxseeds also serve as wonderful remedies. But this cannot be applied directly. You need two ingredients: flaxseeds and their oil. Grind the flaxseed into fine powder and mix with flaxseed oil and honey. This is then rubbed onto the regions of the face having moles or skin warts. It can be allowed to remain for around an hour and the face can then be rinsed off.

Dandelion is a medicinally important plant. It finds a lot of application in treating many skin related problems. Thus it can be tried for removing moles also. Rub the mole with dandelion roots. Rub with a little pressure. This will make the juice from the dandelion root to spread to the surface of the moles. Skin warts on the face will also be spread over with the root's milky juice. After half an hour, you can wash your face with lukewarm water. Repeat this process thrice a day.

These home remedies may take a while before you see results, but they are devoid of side effects normally present in medicines. If you keep up this regular treatment, you can say goodbye to moles in a few months. The color of the moles will fade to blend with your skin tone. Then you won't be able to see the contours of the moles.

I hope that this article helps you to remove moles.

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