Silent Hill, No two simple words, a simple name of a people, had so much meaning hidden within. Suffice to say those two words for any gamer on your mind conjures up many disturbing scenes, looking in his eyes how his worst nightmares came true bizarre and unexpected ways. And is that Silent Hill is a franchise that, regardless of the ups and downs and unfairness, has always maintained a high level of quality, inviting players to immerse themselves in a psychological nightmare universe in which everything is possible and nothing is what it seems. A franchise that leaves an indelible mark on the subconscious of the user, hard cover with other titles.

So much so that even fans of a particular title to be displayed suspicious of other supplies, always pay attention to new listings, as the potential of the franchise is such that it is possible that a new chapter is flush with the game dazzled them. Silent Hill is one of the most important works in the history of Konami, and it shows the release fluid delivery in recent times: 8 main deliveries in just over a decade, the latest of which comes precisely this year to market and recently announced its official name, Downpour. Before revisiting the damn town, it's time to look back and take a tour to serve as tribute to the history of a people who have marked a before and after in the world of videogames.

What better way to review the installments of the franchise that have been set up to date through its characters, heroes and anti-heroes of tormented psyche should face their problems as best we can with the sole purpose of getting out alive nightmare environment were presented. And, besides the setting, is the strong argument that most marked players. Discover all when viewed in the atmosphere is only the iconic representation of the obsessions and the elements that haunt the characters is merely the climax of many of the supplies, especially when you discover its secrets and shady all comes a sense unexpected and somewhat worrying.

This entire unpredictable factor revolves around, as we say, of the central protagonists of the adventure, living side luxury always like them so tormented and in many cases, a reflection of themselves, whose presence in the village seems in line illogical and understandable. Every Silent Hill has had its own character, which also led to each installment of the franchise itself was independent and unique in terms of presentation and argument despite maintaining a spirit and a style similar to other chapters. That's why there's no better way to understand and analyze the franchise through these characters that determine the plot, setting, creatures and even the game play in his own abilities.

As we say, we will focus on eight main protagonists of the franchise, which is what concerns us, but this does not mean that they were the only ones who have gone into the damn town, since they are almost endless stories that we can Konami have in that environment. Thus, before proceeding to our review of the master franchise, remember some of the players that are also part of the iconography of Silent Hill: Eric and Tina (Silent Hill: The Arcade), Ben (Silent Hill: Orphan), the The Escape actors, comics, or even the reinvention of the original that was the movie. Perhaps they all live in the background, but also part of the unique universe that Konami created and still has much to say, but missing from the mix master Akira Yamaoka.

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