Signs Your Spouse Is Planning A Divorce: Signs Your Husband Is Planning To Leave You

I recently received an email from a woman who said she was feeling severe distance from her husband. She asked me to tell her the "signs" that would warn her that her husband wanted a divorce. I answered by explaining that while I could give her some common behaviors that men exhibit when they "check out of a marriage," all men are different and all men have a different level of personal commitment. What would be unbearable to one man and warrant a divorce may be seen as just something to work on for another. With that said, in this article, I will discuss warning signs that a husband often gives off or exhibits when he has emotionally checked out of your marriage. Whether this means he wants a divorce or not, will depend upon your husband's level of commitment. Then, I will tell you how to respond to these warning signs to repair or save the marriage or make it stronger.

Warning Sign Number One: Communication / Conversations Are Shorter And Less Frequent: Emotionally exiting a marriage is probably one of the more deadly precursors to divorce. One very noticeable symptom of this is the break down of intimate, meaningful conversation. You'll notice that the length of phone calls or talks are shorter and that you generally talk about passive, small talk type topics. Less flirting or light hearted exchanges take place.

You spend less time discussing your feelings, hopes, and dreams and fill your discussions with only the things that need to be discussed or negotiated at the present time.

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Of course, marriage is full of things you have to talk about with respect to running a household and for some, raising children, but a red flag should go up if that's all you are talking about.

Marriage Problem Signal Number Two: You're Spending Less Time Together: This usually happens so gradually it can be hard to notice or appreciate the full impact of it. But, when significant distance in a marriage is brewing, often people will subconsciously set up being too busy or having too many obligations to fully engage with their wives on a regular basis. Going out just to spend time together or have fun together will become less and less frequent. And, when these things do occur, the atmosphere seems strained, rather than being light hearted and fun.

Big Tip Off Number Three: A Noticeable And Repetitive Lack Of Intimacy: I'm not just talking about sex here, although this can be a big tip off. You'll likely also notice less hand holding, less thoughtful, intimate stares and gestures, less light hearted hugs, or less thoughtful gestures meant just because or to show you that your husband loves you. Almost always, sex is less frequent or intense as well.

Now, of course there are times when you have obligations and stressful periods where intimacy takes a back seat. But married couples who are deeply in love and very much committed to their marriage find a way to make the time for intimacy as often as they can.

What To Do If You're Seeing Any Of These Signs That Convince You That Your Husband May Want A Divorce: The best thing to do if you suspect that there is a significant distance in your marriage or if your husband is not as happy in it as you'd like him to be, is to put these feelings on the table. It's better to bring these feelings into the light than to leave them in the dark and hope they'll just go away. Tell your husband you've noticed a distance and you want to work on making it better. Ask for his input as to how you can make this happen. Educate yourself on methods you can use to make your marriage stronger.

If You're Husband Has Or Will Ask For A Divorce Or You Think It Is Too Late: The truth is, it's never too late. And if you are feeling (even slightly) that your husband is unsure about the marriage and wants a divorce, then something is off, whether your suspicions are completely accurate or not. Use this as a wake up call to take action.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

And, if you think about it, you already know how a happy relationship with your husband feels. I'd be willing to bet that when you were first dating, both of you lavished a great deal of attention, affection and time upon each other. The result was likely very strong feelings of love, affection, satisfaction, and commitment.

When people are deeply in love, it greatly affects how they feel about themselves. They feel attractive, confident, intelligent, and on top of the world.

Of course, our obligations get in the way of this eventually. We have to turn our attention to our jobs, children, aging parents, responsibilities, etc. This is understandable and every one does it. But, making a committed attempt to being conscious of the cues and signs going on in your marriage can greatly help with this and prompt you to invest more time in it.

It's important to understand that a husband (and a wife too for that matter) who is getting his needs meet and experiencing the positive feelings about themselves that I mentioned earlier is going to be a lot more committed to staying in the marriage and to making it work because the feelings it elicits are positive and pleasurable. Your job then, is to return the positive feelings to your marriage without being entirely obvious about it. This will in turn return the commitment, affection, and empathy that are needed for a happy marriage.

If your husband is extremely distant and not receptive to you, you'll have to move more slowly and take tinier baby steps, but the process is the same and is never impossible. It's never too late, too hard, or too inconvenient to save your marriage. You already laid the foundation when you were dating. If you play your cards right, you can reestablish these behaviors to jump start your marriage and return the positive feelings that will make it reciprocal on both sides.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Learning how to save a marriage headed for divorce can be filled with pitfalls. So many people make the common mistakes that will almost guarantee that the divorce will happen. Often times these marriages could have been saved if the person trying to save the marriage had simply handled the situation differently. So how is this done? I discovered 5 very important steps that you must take before it's too late.

A few years ago my own marriage nearly came to an end when my wife told me she wanted a divorce. I was shocked and devastated at this bombshell. My natural reaction turned out to be a series of textbook mistakes that nearly cost me any chance I might have had to save the marriage. The truth was, I really had no idea and was simply acting on emotion. My emotions ranged from anger, hurt, jealousy and betrayal. How could she do this after all we had worked for?

Everything I tried simply made her all the more determined that she was doing the right thing. My sincerest desire to show her my love and desire to save the marriage seemed to be reinforcing the decision to divorce me! Why was this happening?

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, I learned about a step-by-step approach to saving marriages that worked even when only one partner wanted to save the marriage. I made up my mind that I was willing to try it. Heck, the path I had been on surely had backfired on me! My best thinking had nearly cost me my marriage. Here are the very basics of what I learned:

1. You must act immediately! The longer you wait, the more difficult things become!

2. Blame is the fuel of divorce so stop blaming your spouse or yourself for the way things have turned out.

3. When you are guided by negative emotions you have very little chance to save your marriage. You will learn how to change to a more resourceful state of mind.

4. You must trust the process even if it seems like the complete opposite of what you should be doing!

5. By committing yourself 100% to be the agent of change, you will see a change in the dynamics of your marriage. It really works!

My marriage was not only saved but it is now better than anything my wife and I ever hoped for. I wish I had known about this approach years ago.

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

Save your marriage now and visit Save The Marriage

It's said that one of the worst feelings someone can go through is to see their marriage crumbling - see it circling down the drain. It's impossible not to remember all those good days - the ceremony, the honeymoon... I feel for you.

I know that feeling so well because I have been in your shoes. My marriage was ending and there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop a divorce. It was all so hopeless.

But I am still with my husband today and not only I have stopped the divorce; our marriage is much better than it has ever been now! And I see all the mistakes I made while trying to save my marriage. I now firmly believe that EVERY marriage can be saved. How?

What you should never forget is that people tend to want what they couldn't have easily. This is a psychological fact. This means that you have to stop ALL apologizing, ALL begging and relevant actions immediately: They mark you as "easier to have".

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

To make yourself much more attractive to your spouse, you have to reverse this situation. You have to be hard to reach, you have to be hard to get. When you are able to do this, your spouse will be much, much more attracted towards you.

So if you are pressing upon your partner and begging for forgiveness, you should stop that immediately! When you reverse the situation, you will be able to save your marriage like I did!

I know that this is easier said than done, but it is exactly how I stopped my divorce and saved my marriage from what looked like a totally desperate situation. Like you, I needed help doing this. I found help from an outside source - and now I am your "outside source", and want to show you what I exactly did to save my marriage and how I did it.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Marriage problems are much more common than happy marriages. In fact, you aren't likely to find even a happy marriage that doesn't have its share of difficulties. A happy marriage is possible; but lasting happiness is, for most people, a frustrating myth - the proverbial magic unicorn. Roughly half of all marriages end in divorce; while the other half are a mixture of miserable arrangements, unpleasant unions, outright battlefields, a few amicable partnerships and, yes, an occasional unicorn. The bottom line is that marriage is not for wimps. Statistically, the deck is stacked against you where "happily ever after" is concerned.

This article may seem anti-marriage or a bit more cynical than most of my articles on relationships; but, in the case of marriage, reality is not pretty and ignoring the truth doesn't change it. If you want a chance at saving your marriage, you've got to come to grips with some of the reasons most marriages cannot be saved. I'm not talking about infidelity, dishonesty, abuse, insensitivity or any of the other obvious issues that lead to marriage problems and divorce; I'm talking about the issues behind some of those problems and the reasons most marriages cannot survive such problems and become irretrievably broken. Here's a list of five-common reasons most marriages are destined to fail or fall disappointingly short of the bliss most couples think they're signing-up for:

1. You probably got married for the wrong reason - most people do - and are therefore lacking adequate common goals and incentives to invest more in your marriage than you already have. This is most likely true for at least you or your spouse if not both of you. The reason you got married was either a lie, or has since disappeared, leaving you with no reason to stay together or work on a relationship.

2. Most people only see their side of a situation and are convinced they're right. Or, they aren't willing to consider any other view or the fact that they may not be right. In other words, most people want their partner to change so they can be happier.

What do I really need to do to make my spouse love me again? Is it possible to build massive attraction in my spouse?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!

3. It is rare to find two people who are both interested in personal growth and development - which is exactly what people need to grow beyond their current problems and limitations. What you know at this point in your life has led you to where you are now; you need to learn new things to grow beyond this point - including growing in your relationship.

4. The sad fact is that marriage simply doesn't work out for people who are not self-disciplined and compassionate; that's why most marriages suck so bad that they either end in divorce or are sources of misery and bad jokes for those trapped in them. Of course, if you can find two people dedicated to being kind to one another, marriage can be the best thing Earth has to offer. Needless to say, those couples are rare; and most people are more concerned with what's for dinner, what's on television or what they have in the bank than they are with each other or with building a strong relationship.

5. Chances are that you or your spouse invest more time in everything else than in each other. It takes two to tango; and, if either of you spends more time watching television, surfing the Internet, playing video games, working, chatting or hanging out with friends, or are otherwise engaged outside the marriage, than you may stay married for quite some time, but an unhappy marriage is not a good thing to hold onto. Unhappy marriages are things that should be fixed or discarded as quickly as possible before they lead to stress, unwanted weight gain, illness, and other disasters and misery.

You certainly can fix any marriage or marital problem - as long as you have two people willing and equipped to work together to fix it. The first step is making sure you want to salvage the marriage and then determining if the marriage is salvageable. If you cannot overcome these issues, you simply won't be able to save your relationship. If you want to save your marriage, consider these issues and try to address them without shame, blame or criticism. If you and your partner can come to the realization that problems are natural and solvable - and find some common ground and incentive to work together to solve them - then you just might find that unicorn.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.


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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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